GM strikers vote on new contract By Martha Grevatt October 23, 2019 Strikers demonstrate outside GM world headquarters in downtown Detroit, Oct. 9 In 1848, [...]
GM workers to vote on new contract after month on strike By Martha Grevatt October 18, 2019 In 1848 in “The Communist Manifesto,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels made an astute [...]
A month on strike, GM workers won’t back down By Martha Grevatt October 15, 2019 Rank-and-file strikers and supporters picket GM World Headquarters in downtown Detroit [...]
NYC: Oct. 17-19 events: Support GM strikers; End sanctions from China to Zimbabwe; ICE off Greyhound buses Upcoming Calendar of Events Due to the tentative agreement between GM and UAW strikers, the Oct. 18 protest at the [...]
New York City gala celebrates women laundry workers By Monica Moorehead October 8, 2019 Juana (left) presents award to Ricarda, Oct. 4. The Laundry Workers Center held a [...]
Fair Pay to Play bill is a step forward to empower student-athletes By Monica Moorehead October 7, 2019 The Fair Pay to Play Act was signed into law by California Gov. Gavin Newsome on [...]
Biggest U.S. strike in over a decade: GM strikers battle on By Martha Grevatt October 7, 2019 As the biggest (numerically) U.S. strike in over a decade enters its fourth week, General [...]
Workers march to end climate crisis By Minnie Bruce Pratt October 4, 2019 That climate crisis is a workers’ issue was emphatically affirmed by the [...]
GM strike and the global working class By Martha Grevatt October 4, 2019 September 29 marked two weeks on the picket line for nearly 50,000 General Motors [...]
What is ‘two tier’ and where did it come from? By Martha Grevatt October 2, 2019 There was a time when “concessions” referred to contract gains that labor wrested [...]
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