How can we make May Day 2019 a turning point for the workers’ struggle? May Day 2019 was marked by militant demonstrations of workers in the streets of cities across the globe. In addition to [...]
Macron’s promises deliver little to workers, Yellow Vests By Rémy Herrera May 4, 2019 Herrera is a Marxist economist and researcher at France’s Centre National de la Recherche [...]
No walls in the workers’ struggle! May 2, 2019 “This is not the end but only the beginning of the struggle.” These words were spoken on May Day. The year [...]
ALERT: Uber & Lyft Drivers Set to Strike – Take Action in Solidarity! On Wednesday May 8, Uber and Lyft drivers will conduct a one day strike in Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, San [...]
URGENT: All out for May Day! Defend Venezuela from latest failed coup attempt! Juan Guaido and Donald Trump made a huge mistake picking May 1st as the day to stage yet another failed coup attempt. May [...]
May 1: May Day on Wall Street – No Walls in the Workers Struggle! Noon: Workers Solidarity Action at TYS Laundromat (215 *EAST* 116 St, Harlem) 2pm: Rally on Wall Street (Trump Building, [...]
Police, vigilantes riot against ‘reds’ By Martha Grevatt April 25, 2019 May Day 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of what became known as the “Cleveland May Day [...]
NYC: May Day on Wall Street No walls in the workers struggle! Workers everywhere are rising up, organizing, striking, and fighting back under [...]
‘Stop, don’t shop!’: Northeast grocery workers on strike April 17, 2019 Approximately 100 Stop & Shop workers and supporters rallied at the Somerville, Mass., store April 14 to [...]
May 1: No Walls in the Workers Struggle! May 1 — International Workers Day — is day of global worker solidarity. In countries around the world, workers will be [...]
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