May 1: No Walls in the Workers Struggle! May 1 — International Workers Day — is day of global worker solidarity. In countries around the world, workers will be [...]
Google tech workers in ‘historic show of solidarity’ with temporary workers, vendors and contractors By Kathy Durkin April 11, 2019 April 8 — A “historic coalition” has been established among full-time employees and [...]
You are the working class By Makasi Motema April 8, 2019 The ruling class has offered up a big lie, and we have swallowed it whole. We have been told [...]
What’s behind the election of socialists in Chicago By Monica Moorehead April 8, 2019 April 8 — Chicago is the third most populous U.S. city today, after New York and Los [...]
Lessons for the class struggle in the era of Trumpism By Larry Holmes April 8, 2019 Excerpted from a talk by Larry Holmes, First Secretary of Workers World Party, at a forum on [...]
NYC: Wed. April 10: May Day planning meeting; Tues. April 9: “What’s going on in Venezuela” May Day on Wall Street – Planning Meeting Wednesday, April 10 | 7pm Solidarity Center (147 W 24th Street, 2nd Floor) [...]
Mexico: Rising worker militancy at the border By Teresa Gutierrez April 6, 2019 Many a scholar have written about the phenomenon of rising expectations. What is happening [...]
The 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire and garment workers today By Kathy Durkin March 21, 2019 More than a century ago, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City was a notoriously [...]
Workers, retirees call for better contracts By Martha Grevatt March 21, 2019 Retirees demonstrated inside and outside the hall The union, with 430,000 active members, [...]
Amazon workers walk out after grievances pile up By Harvey Markowitz March 21, 2019 Workers at the Amazon fulfillment center in Shakopee, Minn., a suburb of Minneapolis, [...]
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