Striking L.A. teachers win big victory By G. Dunkel January 28, 2019 The United Teachers of Los Angeles have won a big victory after six days on strike, Jan. [...]
Massive strikes in Tunisia, Morocco By G. Dunkel January 27, 2019 Striking public workers in Tunis jam the streets during 24-hour strike. Around 700,000 [...]
Oakland teacher unions prepare for action By Judy Greenspan January 15, 2019 Jan. 15: Yesterday 30,000 Los Angeles public school teachers went out on strike. Today [...]
Shut-out federal employees say: Stop the war on workers! By Kathy Durkin January 15, 2019 “Stop the war on workers!” and “We want work, not walls!” read signs held by [...]
All-India General Strike is largest in world history By Martha Grevatt January 14, 2019 Two hundred farmers’ unions are organized under the All India Kisan Sangharsh [...]
In New York City, workers win $15-an-hour By Deirdre Griswold January 10, 2019 Spearheaded by a struggle of fast food workers that began more than six years ago, New [...]
MLP holds first multinational assembly in Guatemala By Sam Ordóñez January 10, 2019 On Dec. 29, representatives from Guatemalan Indigenous peoples and social movements [...]
West Va. education workers hold walk-ins a year after historic strike January 11, 2019 Jan. 10 — One year after the nine-day work stoppage in West Virginia that paved the way for education [...]
LA Teachers to Strike By Sue Davis January 9, 2019 In “a hail-Mary pass” to stop the projected Jan. 10 strike by over 35,000 Los Angeles [...]
As gov’t shutdown bites: Will Dems talk about the real crisis? January 8, 2019 Jan. 8 — In the middle of a partial shutdown of the government which has already hurt millions of workers [...]
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