Student-worker solidarity occupies The New School May 7, 2018 Since May 1, there has been an ongoing occupation of the cafeteria at The New School in New York City. Students [...]
New School Occupation Escalates As Graduate Students Strike; Tues. May 8, 10am-6pm (New Time) Solidarity Center MEDIA ADVISORY Contacts: Victoria Capraro. 720.425.5244 and alternately Morgan [...]
Occupation at New School escalates & more; Tues. May 8, 10 am – 6 pm (updated time) S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R The occupation of the New School Cafeteria continues and escalates! Join us on the picket [...]
May Day 2018: A day of solidarity with im/migrants and all workers By Kathy Durkin May 4, 2018 May Day — International Workers Day — is celebrated around the world, including in the [...]
Who made off with the school money? May 4, 2018 Teachers and all school workers are on the march, protesting pay so low some have to sell their blood to make [...]
#RedForEd blazing as Arizona teachers walk out By Otis Grotewoh May 1, 2018 The spreading education workers’ struggle is ablaze in Arizona. On Thursday, April 26, an [...]
UPDATE: MAY DAY: Hope, resistance, solidarity April 29, 2018 Today’s May Day rally in NYC will be at the 17th St side of Union Square from 12 – 5 pm . The march [...]
Puerto Rico Teachers Federation: ‘a fighting instrument’ By Martha Grevatt April 19, 2018 Mercedes Martínez Padilla, president of the Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico. The [...]
‘On the March’ toward a new May ‘68? / May 1968 in France: The struggle continues By Rémy Herrera April 21, 2018 Paris, April 13 — President Emmanuel Macron is right: “France is back!” But not [...]
Oklahoma and the school strike surge April 19, 2018 Marching into mass rally at Capitol building, April 9. By Ben C. and Sara C. The valiant fight of Oklahoma [...]
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