General strike brings Greece to a standstill By G. Dunkel May 28, 2017 Thessaloniki, Greece’s second-largest city, May 17. Even though there have been many general [...]
NYC: Workers Protest Wage Theft at NYC Nonprofit Today, May 23, 4 PM MEDIA ADVISORY: May 23, 2017 Contact: Heather Morris HEATHERMORRISWWP@GMAIL.COM / (201) 394-7318 Workers Picket Outside [...]
May Day around the world, 2017 By Kathy Durkin May 9, 2017 This slideshow requires JavaScript. May Day. Workers. Resistance. May 1 is International [...]
May Day in the U.S.: Marching in solidarity & militancy May 9, 2017 May Day, International Workers’ Day, was commemorated widely across the United States on May 1. Some of these [...]
Massive general strike in Brazil displays people power By Addison Gaddis May 5, 2017 Almir Rogério da Silva, known as Mizito, president of Sindsaúde ABC and Federação dos [...]
Mexican electricians send May Day solidarity April 30, 2017 Mexican compañeras and compañeros in the United States, Please accept fraternal greetings of solidarity [...]
Lucy Gonzales Parsons, ¡presente! By Monica Moorehead April 30, 2017 It is fitting to honor the fighting spirit of Lucy Gonzales Parsons on May Day — [...]
Trump speech ‘his finest moment?’ Labor bureaucrats betray the working class By Martha Grevatt March 8, 2017 The ultra-rightist president of this country gave his first speech to Congress on Feb. 28. [...]
Lucy Parsons: A working-class founder of May Day By Jeff Sorel March 1, 2017 The class struggle was at fever pitch in Chicago in 1885. Unemployment was high, wages were low, [...]
New Central of Mexican Workers takes the offensive By Berta Joubert-Ceci February 6, 2017 Workers and the community join in a protest in Guadalajara, the capital of the [...]
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