Filthy rich Harvard By Stephen Millies October 31, 2016 Last year Harvard University’s stash of stocks and bonds was worth $37.6 billion. [...]
Harvard strikers show solidarity with COSATU October 30, 2016 The following abridged solidarity statement was sent to the Congress of South African Trade Unions by the [...]
Support surges for militant Harvard workers’ strike By Gerry Scoppettuolo October 26, 2016 Update, Oct. 25 – The dining service workers of UNITE HERE Local 26 have beaten [...]
World Federation of Trade Unions advances ‘class-oriented’ unionism By Martha Grevatt October 28, 2016 Durban, South Africa – For U.S. labor activists, who have to contend with a [...]
World Federation of Trade Unions ‘looking ahead’ October 25, 2016 General Secretary of the WFTU, George Mavrikos, speaking at the 17th World Trade Union Congress, Durban, [...]
COSATU’s general strike and international march demand labor rights in South Africa By Johnnie Stevens October 17, 2016 Workers march in Durban, Oct. 8. Durban, South Africa – The Congress of South [...]
Chicago teachers’ union plans to strike, wins tentative agreement By Jeff Sorel October 13, 2016 The Chicago Teachers Union and the city reached a tentative agreement overnight on Oct. 11. [...]
World unions meet in South Africa By Martha Grevatt October 14, 2016 Some of the delegates to the WFTU Congress. Martha Grevatt is in second row, center. [...]
Boston: Oct 14 forum: Striking Harvard U Dining Service Workers Speak! By Phebe Eckfeldt Cambridge, Mass. It was 5 a.m. on Oct. 5 and Harvard University Dining Services workers were already [...]
NYC: Come to LWC’s Community Gala on Dec. 2 Building Together – LWC Community Gala SAVE THE DATE! Beginning with Hot & Crusty, Laundry Workers Center members [...]
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