Chicago strike! 25,000 unite in march vs austerity By Jill White April 5, 2016 A one-day strike, initiated April 1 by the Chicago Teachers Union and Fight for $15, was joined [...]
1937 Detroit: Women autoworkers ‘hold the fort’ By Martha Grevatt March 24, 2016 Detroit — 1937 was the year of the sit-down strike. Hundreds of occupations of plants and [...]
Southern workers converge to organize the South By Dante Strobino March 19, 2016 Raleigh, N.C. — Longshore workers from Charleston, S.C. Hospital workers from El Paso, [...]
Mass struggle in France defends workers By G. Dunkel March 16, 2016 A half-million workers and students took to the streets in more than 200 separate protests [...]
IVORY COAST: Oil workers strike as economy weakens By Abayomi Azikiwe February 10, 2016 Hundreds of oil workers from a state-owned petroleum corporation in the West African [...]
What’s Transdev’s role in German rail crash? By John Catalinotto February 18, 2016 A tragic head-on collision of two commuter trains in the German state of Bavaria that [...]
Detroit teachers expose school crisis By Kris Hamel January 21, 2016 A series of rolling sickouts for several months by teachers across the Detroit Public Schools [...]
Argentina’s rightist regime attacks public workers By Carl Lewis January 15, 2016 Argentina’s rightist government, led by newly elected President Mauricio Macri of the [...]
Racism a major factor in denying pay to student athletes Oklahoma University football team protests racist fraternity last spring. By Chris Fry January 5, 2016 College sports are [...]
VW: UAW advances organizing in South By Martha Grevatt December 27, 2015 For decades, the United Auto Workers has been unable to organize a single non-union [...]
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