Haitians march against rape By G. Dunkel June 13, 2019 Mothers Day in Haiti was celebrated this year on May 26. In response to the rape of two students [...]
Guatemalans to vote amid corruption scandals and migration BySam Ordóñez June 11, 2019 Presidential and congressional elections will be held in Guatemala on June 16. They have the [...]
U.S. drags Mexican gov’t into war on migrants By Martha Grevatt June 11, 2019 President Donald Trump announced May 30 the imposition of tariffs on all Mexican imports, [...]
Chavismo trains social movement leaders to defend Caracas By Marco Teruggi June 6, 2019 Teruggi is an Argentine journalist living in Caracas. This article appeared June 1 in [...]
General strike in Honduras protests gov’t ‘reforms’ By Sam Ordóñez June 6, 2019 June 3 — A national strike began in Honduras on May 30 protesting a series of reforms [...]
Maduro plans early legislative elections By Marco Teruggi May 30, 2019 This article was published in pagina12.com.ar on May 21. Translation by Michael Otto. May 20, [...]
Anti-war activists protest eviction of Venezuela embassy protectors By John Steffin May 21, 2019 Around 200 people marched and then gathered at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C., on [...]
Why the January 23 neighborhood remains a bastion of revolution in Caracas By Marco Teruggi May 16, 2019 Teruggi is an Argentine journalist and political analyst living in Caracas. This article was [...]
Embassy Protectors Illegally Arrested – All Out to DC on Saturday! Solidarity with the Embassy Protection Collective! U.S. Hands off Venezuela! Saturday, May 18 | 12pm | Venezuela Embassy [...]
Venezuela embassy protectors to State Dept.: No illegal eviction! May 14, 2019 On May 13 the Embassy Protection Collective sent this communication to the U.S. State Department. This is the [...]
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