Popular forces challenge Guatemalan regime By Sam Ordóñez April 16, 2019 Six gunshots killed Hemil Leonel Nájera Trigueros on April 8 in the municipality of la [...]
Hurricane of colonialism ravages Puerto Rico By Makasi Motema April 16, 2019 When a hurricane smashes into an island, it destroys everything in its path and carries the [...]
Venezuelan right wing runs out of cards to play By Marco Teruggi April 14, 2019 This article was published on April 12 on pagina12.com.ar. Translation by Michael Otto. For [...]
Maduro government is resilient — so what next for U.S. strategy? By Marco Teruggi April 11, 2019 Original published on pagina12.com.ar on April 10. Translated by Michael Otto. The assault [...]
White House escalates criminal war on migrants By Teresa Gutierrez April 9, 2019 The White House currently behaves like a bungee cord, with up and down proclamations that [...]
Guaidó’s ‘Operation Freedom’ flops as April 7 mobilizations show Chavistas stronger in a shaky stalemate By Marco Teruggi April 8, 2019 Published in pagina12.com.ar on April 7. Translated by Michael Otto. Caracas has been [...]
Venezuela combats sanctions with solidarity By Sara Flounders April 8, 2019 In its latest act of international piracy against the people of Venezuela, the U.S. [...]
The CIA “hybrid war” against Venezuela By Achille Lollo April 7, 2019 This article was published in Tlaxcala, the international network of translators for [...]
NYC: Wed. April 10: May Day planning meeting; Tues. April 9: “What’s going on in Venezuela” May Day on Wall Street – Planning Meeting Wednesday, April 10 | 7pm Solidarity Center (147 W 24th Street, 2nd Floor) [...]
Mexico: Rising worker militancy at the border By Teresa Gutierrez April 6, 2019 Many a scholar have written about the phenomenon of rising expectations. What is happening [...]
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