NYC: Oct 7: Aid for Puerto Rico! Not U.S. Wars Afghanistan to Korea! Saturday, OCT 7th Join the Rally To Resist War and Racism At Home and Abroad 1pm Rally at 34th St & 6th Ave A united [...]
NYC: Tues. Oct. 3: Protest for Puerto Rico @ Trump Towers S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R All out to Trump Towers for Puerto Rico! Tuesday, OCT 3 at 5:30 pm – 7 pm 725 5th [...]
Cuba rebuilds despite U.S. blockade By Chris Fry September 27, 2017 Venezuela’s first Hurricane Irma aid to Cuba is mattresses, water supplies and canned [...]
Banks keep Puerto Rico in the dark By Jerry Goldberg September 26, 2017 Since 2007 approximately 75 percent of the $9 billion to $11 billion in bonds issued by [...]
Puerto Rico devastated by hurricanes, colonialism By Berta Joubert-Ceci September 26, 2017 An aerial photo shows San Juan, Puerto Rico, days after the island was hit by [...]
Haiti: Thousands march against new budget By G. Dunkel September 24, 2017 Thousands of Haitians marched through Port-au-Prince on Sept. 12 chanting “Down with [...]
From the people of Venezuela to the people of the U.S. September 17, 2017 The Bolivarian government of Venezuela has made free gasoline available to all Hurricane Harvey rescue [...]
Hurricane Irma’s devastation: Nothing ‘natural’ about it By Deirdre Griswold September 11, 2017 Barbuda Sept. 11 — Scientists know it. The rash of powerful storms to hit the [...]
Sept. 11 to 16-D.C: ‘In Cuba, health care is a human right. Why not in the U.S.?’ By Cheryl LaBash August 27, 2017 First U.S. graduates of Cuba’s free Latin American School of Medicine. Two major health [...]
U.S. billionaires sanction Venezuela By Deirdre Griswold August 31, 2017 Nelson Rockefeller and Mary Clark Rockefeller at their ranch in Venezuela, 1958. After [...]
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