Venezuela in Big Oil’s crosshairs By Chris Fry May 11, 2017 Anti-war activists will vividly recall how Bush set the stage for invading Iraq by falsely [...]
9 Critical Points on Anti-Blackness, Immigration and Why Latinxs Must Shut It Down Too LINK TO TELESUR: 9 Critical Points on Anti-Blackness, Immigration and Why Latinxs Must Shut It Down Too By: Raul [...]
Defend Venezuela May 8, 2017 According to a May 3 Reuters article, “An influential group of Republican and Democratic U.S. senators [...]
U.S. threatens to expel 50,000 Haitians By G. Dunkel May 6, 2017 Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly will decide on May 23 whether to extend the “temporary [...]
Massive general strike in Brazil displays people power By Addison Gaddis May 5, 2017 Almir Rogério da Silva, known as Mizito, president of Sindsaúde ABC and Federação dos [...]
Puerto Rico on the move By Berta Joubert-Ceci May 3, 2017 Even before International Workers’ Day — May Day — a very important advance had been [...]
Mexican electricians send May Day solidarity April 30, 2017 Mexican compañeras and compañeros in the United States, Please accept fraternal greetings of solidarity [...]
Haitian presidential candidate welcomed in U.S. By Dave Welsh April 29, 2017 Jean-Bertrand Aristide campaigns with Dr. Maryse Narcisse. April 23 — Five hundred people [...]
Stand with the Venezuelan people: Chávez presente, Maduro presidente By Teresa Gutierrez April 24, 2017 Masses pour out in support of Venezuelan government. The Pentagon, the Trump [...]
Wednesday May 17, 11:30 AM Protest Against Almagro in NY: PENTAGON/STATE DEPT. HANDS OFF THE BOLIVARIAN REVOLUTION! International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity Protest Against the State Department’s Hitman: The General [...]
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