‘We must combat violence against trans women’ By Cosmia Bohannan-Blumke June 2, 2017 Photo: Monica Moorehead A few weeks ago, a trans person of color was brutally [...]
Chelsea Manning finally free! Chelsea Manning By L.T. Pham May 24, 2017 Chelsea Manning was released on May 17 from a military prison after serving seven [...]
HB2 one year later: The struggle grows and continues By L.T. Pham March 28, 2017 Durham, N.C. – One year ago on March 23, the North Carolina General Assembly called a special [...]
Transgender immigrants under attack By Ava Lipatti March 1, 2017 TransLifeline’s Nina Chaubal. The U.S. ruling class’s relentless onslaught against the [...]
Regime OKs discrimination against trans students By Mattie Starrdust March 1, 2017 Protests against the Trump regime erupted across the country once again on Feb. 23 in [...]
NYC: Feb. 23 Rally to Oppose Trump Attack on Trans Students https://www.facebook.com/events/1286347441444972/ Rally to Oppose Trump Attack on Trans Students Thursday, February 23 [...]
San Antonio Four: Falsely convicted lesbians exonerated By Gloria Rubac December 4, 2016 San Antonio Four with Gloria Rubac (right), April 2016. Elizabeth Ramirez, Cassandra [...]
Reflections on ‘Mariela Castro’s March: Cuba’s LGBT Revolution’ By Teresa Gutierrez November 29, 2016 The documentary “Mariela Castro’s March: Cuba’s LGBT Revolution” aired on Nov. [...]
Whistleblower Manning punished for suicide attempt By Kathy Durkin September 26, 2016 Chelsea Manning In an arbitrary and inhumane decision, a U.S. Army disciplinary board [...]
SIGN PETITION: Chelsea Manning Threatened with Indefinite Solitary Confinement for Suidice Attempt On July 28 Chelsea Manning found out she is yet again being threatened with the possibility of indefinite solitary [...]
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