SAT., JAN 4,: ALL OUT AGAINST ANOTHER US WAR! ALL OUT AGAINST ANOTHER US WAR! Antiwar and social justice groups across the US are participating in demonstrations [...]
Baghdad delivers a New Year’s message, U.S. escalates aggression By Sara Flounders January 3, 2020 EDITOR NOTES: Eds. note: The IAC is monitoring developments in the region. Check [...]
NYC: Emergency Actions against War on Iran: TODAY, Jan. 8 and Jan. 9 TODAY, Wednesday January 8 Emergency Picket: No War on Iran 5pm at the Times Square Army Recruiting Station (43rd St and [...]
NYC: Thurs. Jan. 9 – Growing war crisis – Solidarity Center Emergency Panel Discussion Solidarity Center Emergency Panel Discussion on: The growing U.S. war threats against Iran & Iraq, Resistance & [...]
U.S. out of Iraq, hands off Iran! January 1, 2020 A mass demonstration at the militarily defended fortress of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, is being used [...]
Another kind of war: Unilateral economic sanctions damage Syria By Karin Leukefeld December 23, 2019 First published in the German daily newspaper Junge Welt on Dec. 16. Translation by [...]
Algerians say: ‘The system’ has a new president, but he’s not ours By G. Dunkel December 18, 2019 “The system” is what Algerians call the shadowy, highly corrupt group of Army officers, [...]
‘Afghanistan Papers’ release stirs protest from U.S. war veterans By Michael Kramer December 16, 2019 On Dec. 9, 2019, the Washington Post released an investigative report entitled “The [...]
New developments in Israeli colonization, Palestinian resistance By G. Dunkel November 30, 2019 In the midst of a political stalemate in Israel, the government is continuing with its [...]
Palestinians resist Israeli renewed attack on Gaza By Minnie Bruce Pratt November 19, 2019 Israel began pounding the Palestinian area of Gaza on Nov. 12 with scores of air [...]
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