Seven years after ‘Arab Spring,’ Tunisians take to the streets By G. Dunkel January 21, 2018 Youth lead the resistance to IMF austerity. Every night and on some days since Jan. 3, [...]
Human Rights Organizations Ask Urgent Question Amongst Executions of Peaceful Protestors: “Why Does U.S. Continue to Support General Sisi in Egypt?” January 11, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: In 2018, Americans must ask the question: “Why General Sisi?” and we must [...]
Protests across U.S. hit Trump’s attack on Palestine Detroit Philadelphia NYC San Francisco Los Angeles San Antonio Philadelphia Wash. DC By Kris [...]
Trump tears off veil of deceit By Fred Goldstein December 12, 2017 Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel puts an end to the [...]
Shift to Jerusalem ignites world protests By John Catalinotto December 12, 2017 Lebanon Palestinians reject U.S.-Israeli rule Worldwide protests by Palestinians and [...]
NYC: Fri. Dec. 8; Tell Trump: Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine! Tell Donald Trump: Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine! Rally and March Friday, Dec. 8 Rally Times Square @ 4:30 [...]
Saudi moves threaten wider war By Chris Fry November 14, 2017 Stunning events in Saudi Arabia have stepped up the threat of a wider war in the Middle East. [...]
U.S.-backed Saudis continue war crimes in Yemen By Randi Nord November 7, 2017 People gather at the site of a U.S.-supplied Saudi air strike in Sahar. Nov. 4 — Saudi [...]
NYC: Nov. 2 – Protest 100 years of Balfour declaration leading to colonization of Palestine Protest 100 years since the Balfour declaration Thursday, November 2 @ 5:30 pm Israeli Consulate 800 2nd Ave and 42 St. [...]
Myanmar’s colonial history feeds current crisis of Rohingyas, Saudi Arabia and U.S. By Sara Flounders October 14, 2017 The current corporate media attention to the abuses suffered by the mostly Muslim [...]
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