Why is U.S. bombing Libya – again? By Sara Flounders August 11, 2016 The U.S. military resumed bombing of the North African country of Libya on Aug. 1. [...]
Coup and ‘countercoup’ disrupt Turkish state By John Catalinotto August 3, 2016 Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) held July 23 rally in Istanbul, saying ‘No to coups, [...]
Stop Washington’s aggression! August 2, 2016 Libya, Syria and Iraq are again in the news. Not because of anything hopeful. Washington and its imperialist [...]
Electrical Workers BDS solidarity upheld By Sue Davis July 31, 2016 Last August the United Electrical Workers took a brave stand for international solidarity at [...]
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Turkey on the July 2016 coup July 23, 2016 July 23 — Since the abortive coup of July 15 collapsed in Turkey, the government of President Recep [...]
Turkey: Failed military coup opens door to Erdoğan purge By John Catalinotto July 19, 2016 July 18 — NATO’s second-largest army exposed its instability when elements hostile to [...]
Al-Quds rallies protest apartheid Israel By Michael Mchahwar July 6, 2016 Al Quds Dearborn, Mich. International Al-Quds Day is celebrated all over the world on the [...]
NYC: June 30 panel on BREXIT racism; July 1 Palestinian solidarity 4:30 – 7pm & 7:30 – 10:30pm S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R Special panel discussion on BREXIT: The racist, fascist threat to global working [...]
War over oil fuels Libya’s migrant crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe June 26, 2016 Fighting for control of the western coastal city of Sirte, Libya, has increased the flight [...]
NATO’s Warsaw Summit threatens war with Russia By John Catalinotto June 21, 2016 The location of NATO’s next summit meeting is itself a provocation against Russia. NATO [...]
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