Sports figures tackle Trump, racism By Monica Moorehead August 23, 2017 The Aug. 12 protest in Charlottesville, Va., where thousands of anti-racist activists [...]
Black organizing unites Boston, crushes fascist rally By Diva T. Williams August 22, 2017 Diva T. Williams Revolutionary Black love saved Boston on Aug. 19. A group including [...]
100th Anniversary of Silent March of African Americans By Dolores Cox August 17, 2017 An estimated 10,000 African-American women, men and children participated in a silent march [...]
The MOVE 9: 39 years too many By Anne Pruden August 10, 2017 Artist Sophia Dawson stands with her painting of Janet Africa, one of the imprisoned MOVE 9. [...]
NYC: Pack-the-court -Thurs., Aug. 10 & Sign Petition for Transit Worker Facing Trumped-Up Charges S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R PACK THE COURT! Support Transit Worker Arrested on False Charges! This Thursday, Aug. [...]
Black women’s work and reparations August 8, 2017 The staff of We Dream in Black, a program of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, July 25. July 31, 2017, [...]
Why rebellion broke out in Detroit 50 years ago By Abayomi Azikiwe August 3, 2017 Listening to Marvin Gaye, a Vietnam veteran returning to Detroit sing; ‘What’s [...]
Killer cops, racism and class rule July 25, 2017 Names and faces of just a handful of those whose lives have been stolen by the police. The disparity in how [...]
O.J. Simpson and the injustice system By Monica Moorehead July 29, 2017 A protest of the attempt by the LAPD to plant evidence during 1994-95 trial. Based on a [...]
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