IT’S TIME TO BRING MUMIA ABU-JAMAL HOME – DONATE TODAY Millions for Mumia, an anti-death penalty project of the International Action Center since 1999, strongly urges its friends [...]
Mumia’s health update & legal fight Mumia Abu-Jamal files suit over prison’s refusal to provide medical care Untreated diabetes nearly killed Abu-Jamal in [...]
Alabama: #JusticeForKindraChapman By Minnie Bruce Pratt July 20, 2015 Kindra Darnell Chapman, 18 years old, died in police custody. Photo: Operation I AM In [...]
Justice for Sandra Bland! By Gloria Rubac July 23, 2015 Sandra Bland Houston — How can someone, whose only mistake is to forget to use her car’s [...]
Black woman found dead in jail cell By Susan Schnur August 6, 2015 Ralkina Jones Aug. 2 — Ralkina Jones is yet another African-American woman who died in [...]
NYC: AUG 9: NYPD Urged to Stay Away from Mike Brown 1-Yr Anno Events Peoples Power Assemblies PROTEST At Barclays Center on SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, NOON #shutitdown4mikebrown #blacklivesmatter THE [...]
Killer cop charged in murder of Sam Dubose in Cincinnati By Kris Hamel August 6, 2015 Samuel Dubose The terrifying video of an African-American motorist’s life being snuffed out [...]
Zero tolerance for racism June 18, 2015 An historic Black church in Charleston, S.C., has been hit by an act of racist terrorism. The nine people [...]
Stop Racist Terror from Staten Island to Missouri to Gaza Download pdf leaflet The whole world has seen Eric Garner being choked to death by cop Daniel Pantaleo in Staten Island. [...]
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