Subway protest demands: No cops, no fares, full access, full service By Siddika Degia November 12, 2019 As New York City ends “stop and frisk” police harassment, the city implements another [...]
NYC: Subway protest vs. cop brutality November 6, 2019 Over 1,000 militant activists streamed into main streets in downtown Brooklyn on Nov. 1 to protest recent [...]
Atlanta killer cop gets 12 years in Anthony Hill case By Dianne Mathiowetz November 8, 2019 Nov. 2 — The family and supporters of Anthony Hill filled a DeKalb County courtroom [...]
Sat. NOV 16 in NYC: Mike Africa Jr. presents “Born on the Move” Born on the MOVE featuring Mike Africa Jr. Sat., Nov. 16 7pm @ the Solidarity Center (147 w 24th St, 2nd Floor, Manhattan) [...]
A call to action: Free Rodney Reed! By Gloria Rubac November 12, 2019 Thousands of protestors demonstrated outside the Texas Governor’s mansion for three [...]
Protests across the U.S. tell Greyhound: ICE off our buses! October 29, 2019 This slideshow requires JavaScript. Demonstrations targeting Greyhound for its collaboration with [...]
‘Forgiveness and mercy’ — for whom? By Mr. Tranzerious Anderson October 24, 2019 The writer of the following letter is imprisoned in Massachusetts. As the month [...]
In trial of killer cop, Black jurors struggle for guilty verdicts By Dianne Mathiowetz October 24, 2019 After 27 hours of deliberation over six days, the jury in the trial of Robert Olsen, a [...]
What would a people’s impeachment look like? By Makasi Motema October 15, 2019 Our news cycle is dominated by one overwhelming, all-encompassing story. While millions [...]
Hundreds pack State House to resist mass incarceration By Phebe Eckfeldt October 15, 2019 Hundreds of families, friends and supporters of prisoners packed the Massachusetts State [...]
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