The fight against white supremacy & for solidarity in the U.S. South By Loan Tran July 9, 2019 The Sixth International Assembly of the International League of People’s Struggles took place [...]
How real reparations can be won By Makasi Motema July 9, 2019 “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s no [...]
‘Policing the womb’ in Alabama By Minnie Bruce Pratt July 9, 2019 Marshae Jones The intensified attack on women, the gender-oppressed and reproductive [...]
July 13-15 NYC events: Sandra Bland; Disability Pride; No Raids, No War! Upcoming Calendar of Events Justice for Sandra Bland and all Black Women Saturday July 13 1:30-4:30pm Flatbush and Caton [...]
‘Decriminalize sex work now!’ July 4, 2019 Sawyer Eason is an artist and organizer working with Peoples Power Assemblies NYC, Decrim NY and Brooklyn [...]
Worker self-defense at the border July 2, 2019 The heartbreaking image went viral: Oscar Ramirez and his daughter Valeria, 23 months old, both dead, facedown [...]
Eddie Africa, MOVE 9 member, released after 40 years MOVE 9 member Edward (Goodman) Africa was released on parole June 21, following prior releases of Debbie, Michael, Janet and [...]
Euclid, Ohio: Police attack on teenagers draws protest By Martha Grevatt June 26, 2019 Several dozen concerned community members attended the Euclid City Council meeting on June [...]
The centennial of Red Summer is a pivotal moment against racist terror By Terrea Mitchell June 20, 2019 During the Red Summer of 1919, a wave of white-supremacist terrorist attacks was unleashed [...]
Ongoing repercussions from the Central Park Five case June 20, 2019 The four-part Netflix series “When They See Us,” directed by African-American director Ava DuVernay, [...]
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