Activists support Portland prison rebellion April 16, 2020 By Anika Kear Portland, Ore. Honking horns, waving fists and flashing protest signs, activists drove to [...]
Philadelphia failure to empty jails causes COVID-19 death By Joe Piette April 17, 2020 The first COVID-19 death in Philadelphia jails occurred on April 14. She was Yvonne Harris, a [...]
France: George Ibrahim Abdallah must not die in prison! The International Action Center received this petition from the Pole for the Rebirth of Communism in France (PRCF) calling [...]
Why we say ‘Free them all!’ By Monica Moorehead April 14, 2020 There were 27 progressive demands made by a united front of Black, Latinx and anti-racist [...]
Prisoners rebel during pandemic By Mirinda Crissman April 14, 2020 Prioritizing prisons, police and punitive responses to social issues is a public health [...]
Caravan targets City Hall and jail in Philly protest By Joe Piette April 13, 2020 A Philadelphia car caravan moves to free prisoners during the pandemic, April 9. Traffic around [...]
‘Things fall apart’ By Mumia Abu-Jamal March 27, 2020 Transcribed from a March 27, 2020, audio recording on The great African [...]
Prisoners resist execution by virus By Gloria Rubac April 7, 2020 On a good day, most of the 5,000 prisons and jails in the U.S. are filthy hellholes. Medical [...]
Migrants in detention in Texas face COVID-19 By Mirinda Crissman April 7, 2020 Austin, Texas Migrants being held in detention in Texas have been facing abhorrent [...]
Tonight: Thur. Apr 9 – Free Them All Webinar! Covid-19 & Racist Mass Incarceration Thursday, April 9 @ 7pm EDT/4pm PDT Register to participate via Zoom Video conference The COVID-19 pandemic poses as a [...]
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