Mumia Abu-Jamal on Massacre at Christchurch, New Zealand By Mumia Abu-Jamal April 2, 2019 Taken from a March 16, 2019, audio column posted on Livestream, a young [...]
Who are Ana Belén Montes and Nina Droz Franco? By Teresa Gutierrez March 25, 2019 Supporters of Puerto Rican political prisoners rallied in Harlem, N.Y., March 23. (Photo [...]
Free Chelsea Manning! March 11, 2019 No, this is no mistake by our editors — repeating a headline used seven times in Workers World since this [...]
Cruel and unusual punishment: Executions temporarily halted in Ohio By Martha Grevatt March 6, 2019 Anti-death penalty activists have been fighting for decades in an uphill battle to end the [...]
Petition: Demand the Immediate Release of Marzieh Hashemi Sign the Petition On January 13th, US-born journalist Marzieh Hashemi was arrested at St. Louis Airport while on her way to [...]
Mumia speaks to Yale Rebel Lawyers By Mumia Abu-Jamal February 28, 2019 On Feb. 1, students at Yale Law School courageously rescinded their invitation to [...]
Groups who helped put Philadelphia DA Krasner in office demand he not oppose Mumia’s reopening an appeal for justice By Joe Piette February 14, 2019 Over a dozen community groups and individuals who had campaigned or voted for Philadelphia [...]
Mumia Abu-Jamal on ‘Radical Politics’ By Mumia Abu-Jamal February 12, 2019 The following slightly edited commentary was written by political prisoner Mumia [...]
Under pressure, Yale RebLaw conference rescinds keynote offer to Philly DA; instead invites political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal February 4, 2019 The following edited press statement was released on Feb. 1. Cambridge, Mass. – Organizers of the [...]
“New” DA same as old DA in Mumia Abu-Jamal case By Betsey Piette January 30, 2019 Any hope that Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner would hold to his campaign [...]
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