Signs of Struggle & the Road Ahead: TOMORROW, Thurs 9/30 @ 8PM ET Thursday, 9/30 8pm ET / 5pm PT Register to join Thursday’s conversation Invite your friends on Facebook Watch on [...]
Protesters demand: ‘Cancel LUMA Energy contract in Puerto Rico!’ By Lorraine Liriano Chávez June 16, Credit: Lorraine Liriano Puerto Ricans in the diaspora protested June 11 against the [...]
Kamala Harris goes to Central America − and so does Wall St. By Teresa Gutierrez June 16, 2021 In 1973, Eduardo Galeano wrote what was then a groundbreaking book, “Open Veins of [...]
Massive response of Greek workers to attack on the eight-hour day By G. Dunkel June 4, 2021 For the past month, Greek workers have been protesting the right-wing New Democracy [...]
Masses battle rightist regimes in Colombia, Brazil, Chile By John Catalinotto June 2, 2021 Ongoing struggles in three South American countries show the general uprising that began [...]
Pakistan: Resistance to state violence continues By Tania Siddiqi June 2, 2021 On the Muslim holiday Eid Al-Fitr, Gujjar Nala and Orangi Nala residents, known as affectees, [...]
French unions respond to housing crisis By G. Dunkel June 3, 2021 In France, activists hold a banner saying “A roof is a right” According to the French housing [...]
South Asia: Drive for profit fuels effort to evict poor By Tania Siddiqi May 12, 2021 Karachi residents resist ongoing illegal demolitions and forced evictions. In Pakistan, [...]
Colombia: State terror won’t stop the struggle By Martha Grevatt May 11, 2021 Since April 28, workers in Colombia have been waging a general strike. The strike was [...]
Ecuador election: Analysts debate why neoliberal banker won By Michael Otto May 4, 2021 Ibarra, Ecuador April 30 — In the wake of the April 11 second round of the presidential [...]
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