Trump’s racist redirection and South Africa By M. Matsemela-Ali Odom September 1, 2018 This Aug. 21 was undoubtedly one of the roughest days of the Trump presidency. [...]
McCain: Whose hero? August 29, 2018 When a leading politician who has spent his life serving the billionaire U.S. ruling class dies, it is [...]
Trump under fire — the ruling-class dilemma By Fred Goldstein August 28, 2018 All the indictments, plea bargaining, immunities, exposures, etc., amount to this: The [...]
Revolt of the spymasters By Fred Goldstein August 20, 2018 Aerial view of CIA headquarters, Langley, Va. Bulletin, Aug. 20: Some 100 additional [...]
Trump, the Pentagon and the establishment By Fred Goldstein August 15, 2018 According to Marx, the capitalist government is the executive committee of the ruling [...]
U.S. Big Business buys Trump’s election and blames Russia By Jim McMahan August 2, 2018 President Trump won the 2016 election with at least $1 billion in contributions — [...]
Trump, Putin and Helsinki By Fred Goldstein July 25, 2018 While beating the anti-Russian drums of war, the paid scribes of the ruling class are all [...]
Anti-Trump protests sweep Britain By Kathleen Durkin July 16, 2018 A massive crowd of 250,000 people protested President Donald Trump’s visit to Britain on [...]
Stop Trump’s war on im/migrants! By Kathleen Durkin July 12, 2018 July 10 — The Trump administration’s war on im/migrant families continues. Some 3,000 [...]
Supreme Court: Myths and reality July 2, 2018 Every kid who attends school in the United States is taught that the Supreme Court is one of the pillars of [...]
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