Baltimore activists denounce voter suppression By Sharon Black May 20, 2016 In an unprecedented move, the State Board of Elections decertified Baltimore city primary [...]
Elections and social change The current presidential election campaign has certainly differed from any other within memory. First of all, the great [...]
U.S. Africa policy and the elections By Abayomi Azikiwe May 5, 2016 No substantial discussion has taken place during the current capitalist elections relating [...]
Jobs, globalization and election promises By Deirdre Griswold May 2, 2016 The question of what has happened to jobs in the United States is of course of the utmost [...]
Campaigns largely ignore issues facing African Americans By Abayomi Azikiwe April 21, 2016 Democratic Party candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are both making appeals to [...]
Baltimore protesters disrupt Clinton spectacle By Carl Lewis April 20, 2016 Baltimore — Activists from the People’s Power Assembly, the anti-police brutality movement [...]
‘Trump = hate + greed’ By Minnie Bruce Pratt April 20, 2016 Syracuse, N.Y. — Right-wing presidential candidate and billionaire Donald Trump [...]
Thousands trash Trump’s bigoted message, take to streets against racism, for Akai Gurley and living wage April 15, 2016 Thousands of people, including large contingents of striking Fight for $15 workers, took to the streets here [...]
African-American political power and the elections By Abayomi Azikiwe April 6, 2016 Abayomi Azikiwe photo: Brenda Ryan The role of African Americans is pivotal during the last [...]
WWP salutes Chicago teachers strike By Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly April 5, 2016 Workers World Party’s 2016 Presidential Election Campaign released the [...]
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