Two sides of the Sanders campaign By Fred Goldstein March 21, 2016 The Bernie Sanders campaign has a dual character. On the one hand, it has unearthed and [...]
AIDS Activists, not politicians, led fight against epidemic By Minnie Bruce Pratt March 16, 2016 Hillary Clinton’s anti-LGBTQ statement on March 11 showed how the ruling class [...]
What the Miami Democratic debate revealed By Teresa Gutierrez March 16, 2016 A recurring theme in the 2016 presidential elections is immigration, especially on the [...]
Inside the anti-racist resistance: Chicago youth shut down Trump By Danielle Boachie March 16, 2016 Chicago, March 11 — Donald Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant, sexist, right-wing [...]
WWP Presidential campaign stands with anti-Trump youth in Chicago By Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly March 14, 2016 The following statement was jointly written by Workers World Party [...]
Elections no solution to racism, poverty By Abayomi Azikiwe March 9, 2016 Donald Trump’s hesitancy and denial of knowing much about the Ku Klux Klan in response to [...]
Flint demands water justice Poisoned by GM and racism By Martha Grevatt January 19, 2016 Each new day brings more front-page headlines about the Flint, [...]
FARC Peace Delegation comments on agreement on victims January 1, 2016 The following is a message from the FARC-EP [Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — People’s Army] [...]
People’s Assembly links rising racism to economic crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe September 1, 2015 A People’s Assembly and Speakout were held on Aug. 29 in downtown Detroit at Grand [...]
Strikes and protests as Greek Parliament passes new austerity plan By G. Dunkel August 20, 2015 One-day general strikes were held by thousands of members of PAME, the Greek trade union [...]
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