Puerto Rico rises up By Jason Cohen July 23, 2019 Video of talk by Makasi Motema, Organizer Peoples Power Assemblies, NYC The souls of Puerto [...]
SIGN ON: Solidarity with Wayfair workers! Worker power can shut down the concentration camps! Solidarity with Wayfair workers in their struggle to end profiteering from im/migrant suffering! Worker power can bring an [...]
700+ protests demand: No raids! Close the camps! By Martha Grevatt July 17, 2019 With each shocking photograph, the reality becomes ever clearer: The U.S. government is [...]
IAC Statment on Phillipine Human Rights Violations The International Action Center supports the call for a U.N. Independent Investigation into gross violations of human rights [...]
Domestic gag rule: Time to fight the patriarchal state By Sue Davis June 30, 2019 On June 18, Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2020 for a new term. Only four days later, [...]
Iran stays firm as U.S. threatens attack By Deirdre Griswold June 18, 2019 Are the days over when Washington could shake its big stick and the rest of the [...]
SIGN ON: Build Monthly Workers Solidarity Days **Share widely** Launch Date: MAY DAY 2019 Workers Solidarity Day Will Be a May Day Every Month To: BUILD coordinated [...]
Leslie Feinberg: 1969 Stonewall uprising against police repression: ‘All hell broke loose!’ in “Lavender & Red,” Part 67 By Leslie Feinberg June 13, 2019 Originally published June 26, 2006, this column was part of Leslie Feinberg’s series on [...]
Abortion ban laws say get back, ‘We say fight back!’ By Kathy Durkin May 21, 2019 “Right to life, your name’s a lie! You don’t care if women die!” Those words are being [...]
Koreans reject U.S. efforts ‘to overthrow our system’ By Deirdre Griswold May 14, 2019 Once again, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has refused to be intimidated by [...]
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