NYC: March 24 – Never forget Yugoslavia! No war on Venezuela! NEVER FORGET 1999! On the 20th Anniversary of the 78-day U.S./NATO criminal bombing of Yugoslavia (Serbia & [...]
Youth demand action on climate change By G. Dunkel February 28, 2019 Since the start of 2019, tens of thousands of young people in Europe have hit the streets in [...]
Yellow Vests movement battles repression in France By G. Dunkel February 22, 2019 For the 14th consecutive Saturday, tens of thousands of Yellow Vests marched throughout [...]
Europe complicit in Washington’s dangerous destruction of the INF Treaty February 9, 2019 By Manlio Dinucci This article, published Feb. 2 in Rome by Il Manifesto, was translated by IAC [...]
Italy and EU give green light to U.S. missiles in Europe January 11, 2019 By Manlio Dinucci The author is an anti-militarist analyst based in Pisa, Italy. This article was first [...]
China’s moon landing: a giant leap for space science By Lyn Neeley January 8, 2019 The People’s Republic of China successfully landed the first spacecraft, called the [...]
Where are leaders of the left in the current struggles in France? By Rémy Herrera January 3, 2019 Dec. 28 — Many Yellow Vests say it over and over again: They have no leaders, and they [...]
Bolton’s false claim of ‘new’ U.S. policy for Africa By Carlos Lopes Pereira December 28, 2018 This article was first published in Avante, the weekly newspaper of the Portuguese [...]
Macron, austerity, repression and the Yellow Vest revolt in France By Rémy Herrera December 26, 2018 Paris, France, Dec. 23 — According to representatives of police trade unions leaving [...]
Behind the U.S. Senate vote against aid to Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen By John Catalinotto December 20, 2018 Dec. 17 — The U.S. Senate held two votes on Dec. 13 that hold potential to [...]
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