NATO’s Warsaw Summit threatens war with Russia By John Catalinotto June 21, 2016 The location of NATO’s next summit meeting is itself a provocation against Russia. NATO [...]
Cox assassination reveals Britain’s right wing By Deirdre Griswold June 21, 2016 June 20 — The shocking assassination of Jo Cox, a Labor Party Member of Parliament in [...]
South Africa prepares for elections By Abayomi Azikiwe June 14, 2016 The ANC announced that over 85,000 people attended its provincial manifesto launch at FNB [...]
Lessons of the 1976 Soweto Rebellion By Abayomi Azikiwe June 12, 2016 On June 16, 1976, students in the Southwest Townships (Soweto) outside of Johannesburg, [...]
Support for Venezuela as Latin American unity pushes back OAS By Cheryl LaBash June 10, 2016 A campaign against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by Secretary General Luis Almagro of [...]
Cuomo tries to quash BDS movement By Joe Catron June 8, 2016 Before marching in the annual “Celebrate Israel” parade in Manhattan on June 5, New York Gov. [...]
African liberation struggles drove Portugal’s April 1974 revolution By John Catalinotto June 3, 2016 It was April of 1974. A popular folk song serving as a secret signal to the captains in [...]
Israeli jailers release Palestinian hunger striker By Joe Catron May 25, 2016 Hundreds of Palestinians gathered in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron on May 20 to celebrate [...]
CIA turned in Mandela in ’62, still undermines Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe May 25, 2016 Confirmation of United States efforts to prevent Africa from reaching genuine [...]
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