More about the IAC
International Action Center Solidarity Center
147 W. 24th St, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011
Resist new wars at home and abroad!
December, 2015
Dear friends,
We are sending this mailing during the most extreme international crisis since 9/11 or the 2003 lead-up to the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. The conflicts in the Middle East can quickly expand. The Pentagon has announced the U.S. will send thousands of advisers to Iraq, at the same time it is sending Special Ops forces and F-16 jets to Syria. These jets only fire air-to-air missiles. Since ISIS doesn’t even have an air force, who would be targeted? The possibility of a U.S.– Russian–Syrian confrontation is real. That Turkey shot down a Russian jet confirms this!
The longest war in U.S. history continues in Afghanistan. The U.S. Air Force provides the intelligence, fuel and missiles for Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen. U.S. drone wars continue in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Yet there is opposition even within the ranks: In November, four former air force drone operators denounced this criminal program and their role in it.
NATO maneuvers on Russia’s border and U.S. support of a reactionary coup in Ukraine are perilous escalations directly confronting Russia. U.S. military maneuvers in the South China Sea, causing conflicts with China, are part of the Asia Pivot. Meanwhile, the U.S. military presence in Africa has increased, with 60 outposts and access points in 38 countries.
The political climate at home is being poisoned by anti-Muslim hostility. Right-wingers are vandalizing mosques and Islamic centers, and assaulting and harassing Muslims. Government agencies are barring desperate refugees fleeing war from entering the U.S. The extensive media coverage of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant rants is ominous. His calls for a national database and ID cards for Muslims are dangerous, as are hateful policies raised by other conservative politicians and pundits. Concerns arise as to whether constant press coverage of these proposals is a trial balloon for the real thing.
The International Action Center is working overtime to spark a strong movement against war and racism. Immediately after the fatal attacks in Paris, the IAC mobilized for a march from CNN to Fox News to the Wall Street Journal’s office with the slogan: “Don’t let Paris become a pretext for war and racism!”
We have concrete, immediate plans for the days ahead and are working with many community groups, anti-war and veterans’ organizations — and will educate and mobilize as we have since the IAC’s 1992 founding.
Black Lives Matter!
This year hundreds of struggles against racism have taken place across the country. We are proud that the Solidarity Center — where the IAC is based — has been a mobilizing center for activists in the Black Lives Matter movement and the People’s Power Assemblies.
The determination of young people to confront racist police brutality, especially killings — by stopping traffic, halting school classes and challenging business as usual — has reverberated across the country. So far this year, police have killed more than 500 people of color, mainly African Americans. This is 10 slayings per week. The new repressive legislation and militarization of the police — with tanks, body armor and weapons of war — confirm that the wars do come home.
The police are also emboldening racists to take action against Black activists. Look at the recent shooting by right-wingers of an encampment of Black youth who were protesting the lethal police shooting of Jamar Clark in Minneapolis. Moreover, it took a year-long struggle to pressure a Chicago judge to order the police department to release a video of an officer gunning down Laquan McDonald, African-American youth. Their refusal to do so for so long exemplifies the extraordinary efforts made to suppress the true scale of these murders.
The IAC has helped to build People’s Power Assemblies in Baltimore and New York and a People’s Tribunal in Los Angeles. These activities have sought ways to involve determined youth who call for people’s justice, while they demand jobs and education — not jails and police violence.
The IAC and the PPA are in the forefront of the Fight for $15 hourly minimum wage in Los Angeles — and join in this fight across the country for fast food and other low-wage workers, many of whom are immigrants, and people with disabilities. We support their just demands for unionization.
Solidarity with immigrants!
The IAC expresses solidarity with Middle Eastern, African, Asian and other migrants that U.S./NATO militarism and economic devastation have forced out of their countries. We call upon European and U.S. governments to stop bigotry and repression against them, and to open their borders and welcome these refugees.
We extend our hands to our sisters and brothers who must leave their Caribbean and Latin American homelands due to violence and/or impoverishment, often stemming from U.S. trade policies. We deplore the vitriol leveled against them by right-wing politicians, media and talk-show hosts, and strongly condemn threats to deport all undocumented people.
The IAC countrywide organizes activities in solidarity with migrant workers and their families, as we call for “No detentions and deportations! Full rights for all immigrants!”
We hold and join actions supporting workers abroad who are super-exploited by U.S. corporations.
Tear Down the Walls!
The IAC joins with other forces in calling for the freedom of political prisoners Mumia Abu-Jamal, the MOVE 9, Puerto Rican activist Oscar Lopez Rivera, Palestinian leader Rasmea Odeh, 68, Native hero Leonard Peltier, 71, Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3, and whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Detroit activists are mobilizing support for the unfairly imprisoned Rev. Edward Pinkney.
Last December, the last three of the imprisoned Cuban Five were released and returned to their loved ones and homeland. The IAC joined the 16 years of struggle to win their freedom.
Our wonderful friend, Lynne Stewart, whose release from federal prison two years ago was won by a global people’s campaign, says she is keeping “her voice raised in the struggles of our times.”
From Boston to Houston, Buffalo, N.Y., to San Diego and the Bay area in California, Atlanta to Chicago, Durham, N.C., to Tucson, Ariz., Baltimore to Seattle, and all cities in-between, IAC chapters and members work with other groups to protest police brutality and repression, the death penalty and mass incarceration.
Save Mumia’s life!
IAC chapters join with Mumia Abu-Jamal’s supporters in an international mobilization to save the life of the African-American political prisoner and journalist. He is suffering from life-threatening Hepatitis C, but prison officials are denying him and 10,000 other ill Pennsylvania prisoners the medication that could save their lives. Mumia’s attorneys are to appear in court on Dec. 18. The Philadelphia IAC will be there, too.
National Day of Mourning hails Keystone XL Pipeline victory
Every year, the Boston IAC chapter provides sound and other logistical help, while the NYC office mobilizes a bus to the annual National Day of Mourning in Plymouth, Mass., organized by United American Indians of New England. There, Native peoples honor political prisoner Leonard Peltier and refute the “Thanksgiving” myth, telling of their struggles to survive. Their international solidarity with Indigenous peoples shines through. This year, participants hailed the victory of Native activists and their non-Native allies who fought hard against the KXL Pipeline and successfully pressured the Obama administration to stop it.
Solidarity Center: resource for the movement
The International Working Women’s Coalition meets at the Solidarity Center to plan demonstrations against U.S. militarism and to fight for women’s economic and social rights at home. An annual united protest is organized for March 8, International Working Women’s Day.
The IAC and PPA strongly condemn the recent lethal assault on a Colorado Planned Parenthood.
Frequently, two or three groups hold activities simultaneously at the “Center.” The youth group, Fight Imperialism, Stand Together, organizes for demonstrations here.
The IAC is comprised of volunteer activists who bring their skills to the struggle as organizers, artists, writers, computer technicians and more. The IAC is a reliable resource for the movement, offering space for meetings or work sessions, providing sound and banners, and our assistance. Our website and our YouTube videos publicize our activities and program. We use social media to organize and educate, and stream events online.
Our focus is unchanged: A powerful, independent grassroots people’s movement is the only force capable of making real change. Our combined voices against militarism, war, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism — and our linked struggles for decent jobs at a livable wage, health care, housing, education and food for all — is the way forward.
We have survived and thrived in difficult conditions because our supporters have repeatedly stepped forward to sponsor the IAC’s work. Your donations, collaboration and support have been the foundation of all IAC campaigns. Now new activists and multiple struggles need your support for next year’s work.
Please see the donation page. Consider planning for future activism by remembering the IAC in your will.
We need your help for the struggles ahead! Think about how you can keep the movement against war and injustice strong and growing!
With deep thanks, appreciation and solidarity,
Abayomi Azikiwe, Sharon Black, Greg Butterfield, Dolores Cox, Sharon Eolis, Sara Flounders, Tova Fry, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Hales, Sue Harris, Imani Keith Henry, Tsehai Hiwot, Berta Joubert-Ceci, Jessica Jude, Kaylee Knowles, Alex Majumder, Dianne Mathiowetz, Janet Mayes, Kalisa Moore, Mahtowin Munro, Frank Neisser, John Parker, Betsey Piette, Gloria Rubac, Johnnie Stevens, Paul Teitelbaum, Ngọc Loan Trần, Gloria Verdieu, Scott Williams,
and many more IAC organizers around the country.
We welcome and encourage comments and suggestions in our ongoing struggle for social justice and change. And, as a completely volunteer organization, we rely solely on contributions to accomplish all that we do. Please donate by clicking here.