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Tweets in Tribute to Ramsey Clark


Ramsey Clark in 2005: “The world is the most dangerous place it’s ever been now because of what our country has done.” The former attorney general and critic of U.S. foreign policy died last week at age 93.


It’s a story that has not been told before, period: Image: #RamseyClark visiting members of the “Peace Committee” inside Hoa Lo prison camp, AKA, “the #HanoiHilton.” No exaggeration.


Ramsey Clark travelled to 120+ countries to express solidarity with oppressed peoples, from Palestine to India to South Africa. He was an abiding opponent of all US bombings, sanctions, occupations, and sought to rally the people of the US and worldwide.


Now that we’re talking about obituaries of Democratic figures from the 1960s, a shoutout to Ramsey Clark, who was an aggressively liberal Attorney General for LBJ and turned to become a strident critic of US foreign policy later in his life.


Ramsey Clark, Attorney General and Rebel With a Cause, Dies at 93


The recent death of former Attorney General Ramsey Clark marks both the end of an era—he was the last surviving member of President Lyndon Johnson’s cabinet—and also a reminder of the essential and appropriate role the Attorney G…

John Barrett- Professor St John Law @JohnQBarrett

I am saddened by the death last Friday of former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. In @TheJusticeDept during the 1960s, he performed tremendous, principled public service, including from 1967-1969 as AG under President Johnson.

Jorge Arreaza @jaarreaza

Lamentamos el fallecimiento del exfiscal general de los EEUU, #RamseyClark, amigo de la Revolución Bolivariana e incansable defensor de la paz y los derechos humanos. Enfrentó al imperialismo y nunca tuvo miedo de denunciarlo. Nuestras sentidas condolencias al pueblo de EEUU.

Afrasiab Khattak- @a_siab

Replying to @Sifill_LDF and @KamranShafi46

In Ramsey Clark’s death the world lost an outstanding and courageous lawyer. RIP.


Ramsey Clark “also maintained opposition to the death penalty and wiretapping, defended the right of dissent and criticized FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover when no one else in government would dare take him on.” He was an amazing man.


#UnitedStates | Cuba’s President @DiazCanelB and Venezuela’s FM @jaarreaza mourned the death of former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who passed away at 93 on Friday. Clark was renown as the face of the U.S. progressive legal community.


The Bobby Sands Trust is sorry to hear of the death of Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General, who with Fr Daniel Berrigan was barred from visiting Bobby Sands in 1981, and who both subsequently attended, along with 100,000 people, Bobby’s funeral to Milltown Cemetery.

Joe Chuman –@joechuman

Sorry to learn of the death of Ramsey Clark. I knew Ramsey and worked with him on death penalty abolition thru Amnesty International. He was a most important figure as Attorney General in pushing ahead civil rights & later human rights. I knew his as a very decent and modest man.


Mourning the death of Atty General and civil rights hero Ramsey Clark, who said this: “..many people in this country are worried about law and order. And a great many people are worried about justice. But one thing is certain: You cannot have either until you have both.”

Jeff Fagan @JFagan46

RIP Ramsey Clark. Amazing life and work. “Surely the abolition of the death penalty is a major milestone in the long road up from barbarism.” Justice Marshall, said this, quoting a speech by Clark.


Ramsey Clark, attorney general under President Lyndon B. Johnson, dies at 93: After serving in Johnson’s Cabinet, Clark set up a private law practice in New York in which he championed civil rights and fought the death penalty.



RIP Ramsey Clark, Lyndon Johnson’s Attorney General who later became such a passionate anti-imperialist activist and defender of revolutionary causes that the presidents of both Cuba and Venezuela have offered their words of praise upon the death of a former US Cabinet member.

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez


Representante gubernamental de Cuba

Lamentamos la muerte de Ramsey Clark, exfiscal general de EE. UU. Honesto y solidario, nos acompañó en batallas cruciales y fue crítico de las grandes injusticias cometidas por su país en el mundo. #Cuba le rinde agradecido tributo.


Rest in Power Ramsey Clark #Lawandisorderradio taping in 2014, with @CareyShenkman listening in rapt admiration [we all were] Ramsey, former AG under Johnson, was an early voice for the elimination of the death penalty and all electronic surveillance. We will miss you, Ramsey!

Dayani Haro Cordovéz 


@DiazCanelB: We lament the death of Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General. He was an honest and supportive man that stood by our side during crucial battles and denounced the great injustices committed by his country worldwide. #Cuba pays him grateful…


Death Notice: Cuban media is reporting LBJ’s Attorney General Ramsey Clark has died. Recently immortalized on screen by Greatest Living Actor @MichaelKeaton , the #ruffryders4life was 93. Sources unreliable; please stand by. @DSCDPAdmin


What tragic news of Ramsey Clark’s death. He inspired me in my early days in the ANSWER Coalition. I could not believe that someone who had been in his role could be struggling on our side.

Replying to @GloriaLaRiva

Ramsey Clark was a dear friend of #Cuba. This picture of Dennis Banks, Fidel Castro, Alice Walker and Ramsey Clark was when we visited Cuba in April 1993, bringing a major shipment of medicine. He supported IFCO’s Friendshipment Caravans, Elián González and the Cuban Five Heroes.

Jenny Lens @jennylens

Replying to @banthefrontlawn @justannpandamom and @ratemyskyperoom

Thank you for your eloquent input about the great #MartinSheen‘s room! I wanna see that doc about #RamseyClark. I was aware of his passing. But didn’t know he was SO instrumental helping LBJ w/Voting Rights Act + other Civil Rights legislation! No wonder Sheen a fan + friend!


New York Times Obituary ·Apr 19

Ramsey Clark oversaw the drafting of the Fair Housing Act in 1968 and went on to defend both the disadvantaged and the unpopular.

The Nation


A champion of civil rights and civil liberties who opposed capital punishment, Ramsey Clark ended up spending much of his life defending unpopular causes and infamous people.

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