Ramsey Clark Tributes
International webinar pays tribute to Ramsey Clark
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Please send tribute messages to ramseyclarktribute@gmail.com
Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela:
En nombre del pueblo venezolano expreso mi pesar por la sensible partida física de Ramsey Clark, Ex Fiscal General de EE.UU. Ferviente defensor de las causas justas y de las luchas revolucionarias de nuestros pueblos. Mis condolencias a sus familiares y al pueblo estadounidense. [Twitter]
On behalf of the Venezuelan people, I express my condolences for the death of Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General and a fervent defender of just causes and the revolutionary struggles of our peoples. My condolences to his family and to the people of the United States.
Jorge Arreaza, Foreign Minister of Venezuela:
Lamentamos el fallecimiento del exfiscal general de los EEUU, #RamseyClark, amigo de la Revolución Bolivariana e incansable defensor de la paz y los derechos humanos. Enfrentó al imperialismo y nunca tuvo miedo de denunciarlo. Nuestras sentidas [Twitter]
Venezuela Expresses Regret on the Death of Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark
The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, expressed his regret for the death of Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States, who passed away this Saturday, April 10, at his home in Manhattan, according to information published by the New York Times. Full post: Orinoco Tribune
Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba:
He was an honest and supportive man that stood by our side during crucial battles and denounced the great injustices committed by his country worldwide. #Cuba pays him grateful tribute. [Reuters: Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general and human rights activist, dead at 93]
Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, formerly Cuban Foreign Minister, then President of National Assembly: Remembering Ramsey Clark:
We Cubans owe him a great debt. Our cause was also his. His voice was raised time and again to denounce the blockade and the war that the Empire is waging against us in all fields.
His participation in the campaign to free Elián González and in the hard, complex and prolonged struggle for the liberation of our Five Heroes was decisive. Personally, as long as I live I will thank him for his help and from the bottom of my heart I say Thank you for everything dear friend, brother, compañero. Full post, CubaNews
Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson Emeritus, International League of Peoples’ Struggle: In Honor of William Ramsey Clark
I became deeply indebted to Ramsey Clark when he publicly defended me and opposed the act of the US government in designating me as “foreign terrorist” in 2002. Likewise he opposed my being named in the EU terrorist list in line with the US precedent. Full tribute
Dr. Riyad Mansour, Minister, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations
The State of Palestine and its people grieve at the loss of Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general; a politician and human rights defender, a hero who had the courage to stand up against the blanket of support for Israel in the U.S. when no other politician would. A true friend to the State of Palestine, a defender of our cause and our people.
Ramsey Clark stood by our side during crucial battles as he became the lead attorney against the case which aimed to shut down the PLO Observer Mission to the United Nations in 1989 – a case which he valiantly defended, a case which under his courage and leadership we won. Because of Ramsey Clark and other lawyers, our Mission to the United Nations remained open.
A renowned international human rights attorney, a deeply committed man to our cause and to the cause of the injustice of the Palestinian people; Ramsey Clark will be sorely missed. Document of statement
Hanan Ashrawi, a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee, wrote on Twitter that Clark “was an indefatigable defender of Palestinian & human rights, a lawyer who knew & pursued genuine justice & the rights of the oppressed.” Reuters: Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general and human rights activist, dead at 93]
Sami Al-Arian: Saying Goodbye to Ramsey Clark
Champion of the People
To find a truth-teller among statesmen
Is like trying to find
A needle in a haystack
But for every implausibility
There is an exception
That proves the rule
For those who advocate
Human Rights
Global Justice
World Peace
He is their spokesman
The conscience of the universe
An elder statesman
A truth teller
On Facebook – Read More
The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity and in a special manner President-Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Comrade Rosario Murillo: Nicaragua expresses deep appreciation for the Life of Ramsey Clark
He was the main advisor on international law to Father Miguel during his presidency of the 63rd period of the UN General Assembly, providing valuable ideas on the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, the so-called “responsibility to protect” – the new jargon to mask the old practice of wars of aggression – and the much-needed reform of the United Nations. (2008-2009) FULL PRESS RELEASE
Camilo Ernesto Mejía: Mi homenaje personal a Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark deja tras de sí un inspirador legado de compromiso y dedicación a la paz y la justicia en todo el mundo. Sin duda muchos homenajes abarcarán un relato mucho más completo de su trabajo y su legado que lo que yo pueda escribir. Pero tengo el privilegio de decir que formó parte de mi equipo de defensa legal contra el Ejército de los Estados Unidos tras mi negativa pública a volver a la guerra de Irak; creo que un breve relato de las dos veces que me reuní con él ayudará a quienes no lo conocieron a comprender el tipo de ser humano que era, y por qué tanta gente, yo incluido, llora su muerte y celebra su vida y su legado. MAS
Camilo Mejía: My personal tribute to Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark leaves behind an inspiring legacy of commitment and dedication to peace and justice across the world. Many tributes will undoubtedly encompass a much more comprehensive account of his work and legacy than anything I can write. But I am privileged to say he was part of my legal defense team against the United States Army following my public refusal to return to the Iraq war; I believe a brief account of the two times I met him will help those who never knew him understand the kind of human being he was, and why so many people, myself included, are mourning his death and celebrating his life and legacy. MORE
Sofía M. Clark: Carta de despedida de una nicaragüense al Compañero Ramsey Clark
A lo largo de cuatro décadas nunca dejó de visitar Nicaragua. En 2012, la UNAN-Managua se le otorgó un Doctorado Honoris Causa en Humanidades en reconocimiento a tu vida de servicio a los más vulnerables y en defensa de los Derechos Humanos en todo el mundo. MAS
Sofía M. Clark: A farewell letter from Nicaragua to Compañero Ramsey Clark
Over four decades you never stopped visiting Nicaragua. In 2012 you were awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities by the UNAN-Managua in recognition of your life of service to the most vulnerable and in defense of Human Rights around the world. MORE
Vladimir Krsljanin: On Ramsey Clark, Co-President of the International Committee “Slobodan Milosevic”
Ramsey was one of the most brilliant and honest Americans of our time, a man who was saving the face and the soul of “America” by defending the victims of American aggressions around the world.
He has dedicated last five decades of his life to such noble struggle. We, the Serbs, had an honor to feel this to the fullest extent, and we will forever remember him as one of our greatest friends. Full message
Chandra Muzaffar – International Movement for a Just World (JUST): Ramsey Clark — One of the Greatest
The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) salutes Ramsey Clark as one of the greatest champions of social justice and human rights of our time. He fought for the marginalised and oppressed within his own country and in the world at large. His record of service to the weak and the vulnerable, whoever they were and wherever they were found, is without parallel….MORE
Manas Nandy, Member, central working committee, Socialist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist): Socialist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist) has condoled deeply on the death of Ramsey Clark
Comrade Mubinul Haider Chowdhury, General Secretary of SOCIALIST PARTY OF BANGLADESH (MARXIST) has condoled deeply on the death of Ramsey Clark(93), the lusty and valiant fighter of world peace movement against the imperialist wars and the ex Attorney General of United States of America and expressed revolutionary tributes to the militant memories of him.
In the given statement to the newspapers he mentioned, ” People subjected to conspiratorial aggression by the imperialists has lost a sincere friend and a valiant warfare who stood firmly by the side of oppressed humanity worldwide. Accompanying with the legal battle against the unfair war imposed by the imperialists including America, for protecting human rights and civil rights he did a tireless toil to organise people movements on these issues lifelong and dedicated himself to the purpose. MORE
Manik Mukherjee, Vice-President, All India Anti-imperialist Forum and General Secretary International Anti-imperialist Coordinating Committee: Homage to Mr. Ramsey Clark
The All India Anti-imperialist Forum mourns the passing away of Mr. Ramsey Clark, the former attorney general of USA, and a great humanist, an indefatigable fighter against imperialism and military aggression anywhere. As Attorney General he was forceful in his support for civil liberty and civil rights. Later he was active in anti-Vietnam war movement, and protested against US bombing of Hanoi. He realised that USA was the prime progenitor of war and was guilty of unleashing wars of aggression in different corners of the globe. MORE
June Kelly, International Committee “Slobodan Milosevic” – Ireland: Tribute to Ramsey Clark
Dear Friends. We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Ramsey Clark – I am so very glad that I had the honour of meeting him on three occasions . Two being at peace conferences in Belgrade and the third being on the sad occasion of the funeral of President Slobodan Milosevic which was also held in Belgrade. A day that was freezing cold yet we were warmed by the massive numbers of people who had gathered in central Belgrade to attend the President’s funeral.
May you rest in peace courageous Ramsey Clark –
Dr. Abdulhalim Fadlalah, General Director, Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation
On the occasion of the death of the defender off Arab issues and opponent against American-Israeli racism, former US Attorney General Ramsi Clark, the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation presents its sympathy and profound condolences to the International Action Center and from his friends and loved ones for their loss.
Walid Barakat, Arab International Center for Communication & Solidarity
Ramsey Clark was a man of honorable peace and genuine justice. With his passing, our just Arab causes have lost a true priceless supporter, but we shall always be guided by his humanitarian torch. May God grant his blessed soul the honorable peace that he had always believed in and struggled for…
Kay Weir, Editor of Pacific Ecologist. The Pacific Institute of Resource Management, Wellington, New Zealand:
Condolences to you all at International Action Center – One of the great Americans speaking out for human rights peace and honour. One of the great Americans – he will be greatly missed! Some people should be allowed to live forever, or until these awful wars have stopped…
Souad Naji Al-Azzawi
Mr. Ramsey Clark, the knight who, all his life, carried a sword defending the rights of people who were oppressed by the tyranny of American policy, like Iraqis. Iraqis will never forget Mr. Ramsey Clark’s humanitarian stance, defying the comprehensive economic sanctions imposed by the US and British administrations on Iraq.
Amidst the state of despair, frustration and starvation, Mr. Clark, with his courageous stance, proved to the Iraqis that a ray of hope will always light the way, no matter how dark tyranny makes the world. His fearlessness in opposing the US administration and his condemnation of the occupation of Iraq will also be remembered.
He was an active participant in international
and its effective participation in all conventions held to criminalize The occupation and it’s leaders.
Ramsay Clark, heroes like you do not die but rather remain alive in the hearts and souls of the hundreds of millions who you cared about and defended, even when they thought that the whole world had abandoned them. From us, in Iraq, you have our love and prayers, may your soul rest in peace.
Dr Dermot Hudson, Chairman UK Korean Friendship Association: Condolences to the International Action Center on the passing away of Ramsey Clark
Dear Friends of the IAC
I was saddened to hear that Ramsey Clark who was a campaigner for peace on the Korean peninsula passed away on the 9th of April. Ramsey Clark had been US attorney general but became an anti-imperialist and stalwart peace champion .
As the representative of the Korean Friendship Association of the UK I visited the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in July 2013 to participate in the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War and the international march for peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula which Ramsey Clark despite his advanced age took part in.
I was happy and proud to be on the same platform as Ramsey Clark several times during the trip including at Sinchon Ri.
May I express my sincere condolences on my own behalf and on behalf of the UK Korean Friendship Association.
Christer Lundgren, Chairman of the Swedish-Korean Friendship Association: Ramsey Clark’s solidarity with the Korean people
Nadia Valavani, former Alt.Minister of Finance, Greece: An adieu to the late Ramsey Clark
Along with all of you, which is a great honor for me, this is an adieu from Greece to the late Ramsey Clark:
a rebel with a cause, with many good causes, in the epicenter of which was justice for Palestine;
a universal comrade to us all around East Mediterranean and further beyond, as in his long life he supported the struggle of the peoples in 120 countries;
an adieu to the man who as the USA Attorney General said that: “Equality is the mother of justice. If there is no equality in law, then there is no justice.” MORE
Dr. Bashar al Jaafari, Vice minister of foreign affairs and expatriates in the Syrian Arab Republic:
…I cannot help but remember with all of you, the Lofty stands and the work he did in his life….MORE
Kim Ives: Ramsey Clark and Haiti
“It seems that, for the rest of my life,” Ramsey Clark said at the funeral of a U.S. revolutionary in 2005, “I will always be introduced as the former U.S. Attorney General.”
However, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson’s top lawyer from 1967 to 1969 will above all be remembered as one of history’s most prominent anti-imperialist, human rights, and peace activists, earning the love, respect, and admiration of millions around the globe. MORE
I joined Ramsey Clarke and other members of an international human rights team to investigate the overthrow of former President of Haiti, Jean Bertrand-Aristide, after the overthrow of the government by a coup d’ètat in 2004. With the help of local activists, the team discovered a killing field and held a press conference in the capital of Port-au-Prince. At the end of the press conference, the investigation team immediately departed Haiti by airplane for personal safety reasons.
NPR: Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark dies at 93
Rupa Shenoy 5:05 minutes
Ramsey Clark took deeply unpopular positions as US attorney general in the late 1960s, standing his ground for civil rights, and opposing the Vietnam War. As The World’s Rupa Shenoy reports, in later years, he became a strident anti-war activist, earning accolades abroad, but also puzzling many by representing war criminals like Saddam Hussein. Listen LISTEN HERE
Sara Flounders, Co-Director, International Action Center : Ramsey Clark, human rights fighter – 1927-2021
We salute Ramsey Clark, who died April 9, 2021, an outspoken defender of all forms of popular resistance to oppression, a leader always willing to challenge the crimes of U.S. militarism and global arrogance. He remained optimistic that the power of people could determine history. His courageous voice will be missed.
Ramsey Clark will be remembered by people and struggles around the world as a prominent individual who used his name, reputation and legal skills to defend people’s movements and leaders who the corporate media had thoroughly demonized.
Clark’s early belief in the U.S. role turned, through harsh experience and observation of what he considered U.S. war crimes, to a determination to challenge U.S. policy and defend the victims of U.S. aggressions regardless of personal cost. His actions, leadership and writings showed his political development over the past 60 years, above all, his actions. FULL IAC POST
William Camacaro, Bolivaran Circle, NYC: Ramsey Clark: An Essential Voice of Dissidence from the Center of U.S. Power
During the heat of the Gulf War under the George H. W. Bush administration, I had the opportunity in New York to meet an extraordinary human being: Ramsey Clark. It was an event to protest the State Department and Pentagon’s arrogantly labeled “Operation Desert Storm.”
Ramsey was a quixotic figure admired by everyone on stage at the event. This former U.S. Attorney General, incredibly, opposed U.S. intervention in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. On that occasion he gave a detailed speech about the conflict unfolding before our eyes, a war in living color brought into our homes courtesy of CNN. But we saw no blood or dead bodies, only fireworks in what looked like a Nintendo video game in which very little “collateral damage” was shown. It was a long-distance war for which television viewers were kept far removed from the pain and suffering of the Iraqi victims. MORE at The Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)
Victor Navasky, The Nation: There will never be another like him
I once discovered that he kept in the top drawer of his desk a little list of things he hoped to accomplish. When I thought I saw him check something off, I asked him if he might want to call this a new kind of attorney general’s list. Ramsey smiled and cleared his throat and said, “I don’t exactly approve of that other kind of list.”
Besides being educational, working for Ramsey was fun. As The New York Times pointed out, he seemed to revel in telling others what they did not want to hear. “He advocated gun control in speeches to hunters and told defense industry workers that their plants should be closed.” MORE
Jürgen Heiser, Junge Welt: NACHRUF RAMSEY CLARK
Der Verteidiger Kämpfer gegen US-Imperialismus und Unterstützer von Befreiungskämpfen. Nachruf auf Ramsey Clark
Der frühere US-Justizminister Ramsey Clark ist am Freitag im Alter von 93 Jahren in New York gestorben. Das von ihm 1992 gegründete International Action Center (IAC) würdigte den weltweit respektierten Menschenrechtsanwalt und Kriegsgegner unter der Überschrift »Ramsey Clark Presente!« und hob seine Verdienste um den Aufbau dieses Aktionszentrums antiimperialistischer und antirassistischer Politik hervor. Der Todesstrafengegner habe unzählige Menschen angespornt, das IAC zu nutzen, »um Befreiungskämpfe zu unterstützen, sich Angriffskriegen der USA zu widersetzen und politische Gefangene im gefängnisindustriellen Komplex der USA und in den US-gestützten Diktaturen weltweit zu verteidigen«, erklärte Sara Flounders, Kodirektorin des IAC. MORE
Basem Qaquish, Carlos Varea and Loles Oliván Hijós, The Spanish Campaign against the Occupation of Iraq and for the Iraqi Sovereignty in Madrid
It is with immense sadness that we received the news of the passing of Ramsey Clark. We are proud and honored that our paths crossed with him in the struggle for Iraq and Palestine. He will remain in our memory as a fighting human being committed to human rights and the liberation of the peoples of the world. Let us continue to transmit with his inspiration the legacy he leaves in our daily struggles.
Rest in peace
John Philpot, President, Rwandan Political Prisoners Support Network: Personal Tribute to Ramsay Clark: Iraq and Rwanda
Ramsay affected many of our lives. We followed closely his opposition to the American invasion of Grenada in October 1983. We got to know him best from his Commission of Inquiry into the US war on Iraq in beginning 17 January 1991. The Crime of aggression highlighted in the Nuremberg judgment was the underlying theme in the War Crimes Tribunal which held hearings on 28, 29 January 1992 in New York. This Tribunal which I sat on condemned the USA for the crimes against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. He published a book, The Fire This Time, U.S War Crimes in the Gulf. This book available on Amazon.com is an anti-war textbook in international law comprehensible to all and can inspire us to join in the peace movement which is more important than ever. MORE
John Philpot, Président, Réseau d’appui au Prisonniers politiques rwandais: Hommage personnel à Ramsay Clark : Irak et Rwanda
Notre ami de lutte, l’avocat Ramsay Clark, est décédé le 9 avril 2021. Ramsay a marqué la vie de beaucoup d’entre nous. Nous avons suivi de près son opposition à l’invasion américaine de la Grenade en octobre 1983. Nous l’avons mieux connu par sa Commission d’enquête sur la guerre américaine contre l’Irak au début du 17 janvier 1991. Le crime d’agression mis en évidence dans le jugement de Nuremberg était le thème sous-jacent du Tribunal des crimes de guerre qui a tenu des audiences les 28 et 29 janvier 1992 à New York. Ce tribunal, auquel j’ai participé comme juge, a condamné les États-Unis pour crimes contre la paix, crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité. Il a publié un livre, The Fire This Time, U.S War Crimes in the Gulf. Ce livre disponible sur Amazon.com est un manuel anti-guerre en droit international compréhensible par tous et peut nous inspirer à rejoindre le mouvement pour la paix qui est plus important que jamais. SUITE
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Former United States Attorney General, Ramsey Clark was an eyewitness to the violations of human rights and courageously confronted those who violated it. He was a great voice internationally and earned a great deal of respect from around the world. We must keep this genuine activism alive.
Dr. Shafique – President,
Shahid Comrade – Secretary General, 917 280 0840
Erik-Anders Nilsson, Co-founder and Director, Jersey City Peace Movement
Ramsey Clark was a brilliant principled lawyer, organizer, writer and initiator of movements dedicated to true peace and justice.
May he Rest In Peace – and condolences to all who knew and loved him.
It was an honor working with him at various points over the last several decades.
We at Jersey City Peace Movement are so saddened.
Members donated to have a mass said in his honor in Jersey City and all are welcome.
John Catalinotto, International Action Center: RAMSEY CLARK − THE FABLE
In a country occupying North America, the best tutors money can buy prepare its rulers’ children to run society. They teach them that their country is guided by the ideals of freedom, democracy, sympathy for the underdog and charity for the unfortunate. The tutors avoid harsh reality until the year of the child’s fifteenth birthday. They then bring the youths for a month of training to “Summer Reality Camp.”
At this camp they learn that they belong to the elite class of society and are destined to rule the world, that their country was founded on the enslavement of African and genocide of Indigenous people − which they must never admit — and they must serve their class by defending and expanding its wealth and power. MORE
Ralph Poynter, Lynne Stewart Defense Org., New Abolitionist Movement
Ramsey displayed the best of human qualities when he said, ”I was wrong.” He displayed the rarest of human qualities when he did something about it. Ramsey presente. We miss you.
Ramsey Clark was aware of the worldwide necessity for democratic, non-military, constitutional, world federal commonwealth republic, as well as the necessity for worldwide direct democracy.
Dr. Curtis FJ Doebbler
Ramsey always impressed with his abundance of energy and his commitment to justice. In Sudan, he was willing to sit with a group of women lawyers in the garden of his hotel despite having spent the whole day outside in burning sun in well over a hundred degree heat. The lawyers were interested to know how non-discrimination laws worked in the United States. He spoke with them until late in the evening. His energy was often in fatigable. Even in his eighties, he insisted on walking about two and half miles through Paris back to his hotel after a meeting near the Palais de Justice de Paris. And while representing the Iraqi President despite having colleagues murdered in eyesight of American forces and having to appear before an unfair court corrupted by the United States orchestration of proceedings, Ramsey borne no ill-will towards the US soldiers who were there to try to control and often intimidate the lawyers. When he arrived at the tribunal in the morning, Ramsey would often speak with the US soldiers asking them about their families and wishing them well. He would then go into court and argue to the judge that the process was unlawful as it did not provide fundamentally fair trial process knowing that the judge was probably part of the conspiracy that led to the deadly attacks on our colleagues.
Ramsey will be greatly missed.
Dr. Curtis FJ Doebbler: Remembering Ramsey Clark
He served his country as the 66th Attorney General of the United States from 1967 to 1969 under U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson. As Deputy and Assistant Attorney General he was instrumental in drafting some of the leading civil rights and environmental legislation that any generation before or after has produced. His hand contributed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the legislation that later inspired the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA. After leaving public office he ran for U.S. President in 1972 and U.S. Senate in 1974 and 1977. Full CounterPunch post
Martha Hennessy
We at the Catholic Worker and Plowshares movements will dearly miss Ramsey and his impeccable integrity. His intelligence, humility, and kind heart have paved the way for us to continue with the work of ending the United States war industry. Ramsey presente!
In Federal Bureau of Prisons custody
[Radio] Taylor Report Commentary: Remembering Ramsey Clark’s Fight for Leonard Peltier and Geronimo
One area of struggle was indigenous. Clark worked for the release of Leonard Peltier, who was arrested in Canada and extradited to the USA. Peltier’s arrest is part of a pattern, such as Sitting Bull who was later murdered by American authorities. LISTEN
John Parker, Struggle La Lucha
I traveled with him to many targets of U.S. imperialism and met heads of state. He had the clout to go anywhere and didn’t mind being vilified by the corporate media that slavishly toed the line of the U.S. State Department, impugning his integrity simply because he refused to go along with the lies of U.S. imperialism when they wanted to go to war, either overtly or covertly, against countries that insisted on their sovereignty and their orientation toward various aspects of socialism. MORE
Gloria La Riva, ANSWER: Ramsey Clark dies: An Attorney General who turned against imperialism
The ANSWER Coalition mourns the loss of Ramsey Clark, who died at the age of 93 on April 9. Ramsey was a devoted fighter against war and racism, and for peace and justice. Ramsey played a key role in the formation of the ANSWER Coalition in the days following the September 11 attacks. Full Post
Henry Hagins, Free Mumia Abu Jamal Coalition – FMAJC-NYC: A Giant’s Passage
A freedom fighter of the highest order! A stalwart defender of the oppressed.
What an amazing truth-seeker. So courageous and willing to defy convention in the boldest of ways.
Joachim Guilliard, Ossietzky.net: Ramsey Clark (1927-2021)
Am Abend des 9. April 2021 verstarb der ehemalige US-Justizminister und prominente Menschenrechtsaktivist Ramsey Clark im Alter von 93 Jahren. Mit ihm verlor die Welt einen entschiedenen und brillanten Gegner der westlichen Kriegspolitik. Auf der Gedenkseite für ihn, auf der Homepage des von ihm gegründeten International Action Centers (IAC), würdigten zahlreiche Persönlichkeiten aus der ganzen Welt, darunter die Präsidenten Kubas, Nikaraguas, Boliviens und Venezuelas, sein »Engagement und seine Hingabe für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit«. MORE
On the evening of April 9, 2021, former U.S. Attorney General and prominent human rights activist Ramsey Clark passed away at the age of 93. With him, the world lost a determined and brilliant opponent of western war policy. On the memorial page for him, on the homepage of the International Action Center (IAC), which he founded, numerous personalities from all over the world, including the presidents of Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela, paid tribute to his “commitment and dedication to peace and justice”. MORE
Kaukab Siddique: Ramsey Clark, Great Friend of Muslims, Passed Away. [Editorial, NewTrendMag.org]
I visited him at his humble abode in New York and met him during all the great protest rallies in Washington which I used to attend with zeal which could not match his vigor.
Among all our meetings, one really stands out. He came to our Jamaat al-Muslimeen’s international conference in Baltimore. He came quietly by train and left quietly but every word he spoke was worth thinking about. [The conference became the target of Zionist propaganda.] MORE
Emeritus Mayor Peter Woods: Co-chair: Asia Pacific Regional Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea -Tribute to a true leader!
I met Ramsay Clark in the DPRK many years ago and was impressed by his compassion and honesty, something I found unusual in many politicians and ex-politicians from the US Regime. He had a history of engagement which we should proudly emulate. His legacy lives on just as the injustices continue across the globe particularly by those who profess democracy but their very actions are the antithesis of this. Long live your inspiration Ramsay Clark!
Gloria Rubac: Why I will love and remember Ramsey Clark forever
Ramsey knew that the criminal justice system had nothing to do with justice. He knew that a poor man from the Dominican Republic who barely spoke English when he was arrested, never had a chance. He loved Carlos and felt that the whole system was totally unfair. He told me that those who had no money rarely survived the criminal justice system. MORE
Gavrielle Gemma: Ramsey Clark, an optimist
Throughout the years Ramsey was exceptional in his optimism. He was only impatient if the pace of a coalition or protest seemed too slow to meet the urgent situation. He supported and prodded. He never sought or looked for personal acclaim. MORE
Bill Hackwell: Ramsey Clark; A Life Well Lived for the People of the World
Yesterday Ramsey Clark died at the age of 93 in New York and today justice and peace-loving people and movements in the US and around the world are in mourning for a man who stood up and fought tirelessly in support of justice, equality and against his country’s drive for endless wars.
Ramsey Clark, the son of a Supreme Court Justice, was a lawyer who began an 8-year career in the US Justice Department in 1961 where he helped draft the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, becoming the US Attorney General in 1967. During this time he took on the establishment by banning wiretapping of progressive movements, calling for the abolition of capital punishment, and banning federal executions. Full Resumen-English post
Ron Kuby, NY civil rights attorney: The progressive legal community has lost its elder dean and statesman. Over many generations, Ramsey Clark was a principled voice, conscience and a fighter for civil and human rights.
S. Brian Willson: Ramsey Clark, PRESENTE!!
Ramsey Clark was a giant human being as a justice seeker and defense lawyer. My first wife worked in the Civil Rights Division under Clark when he was the Attorney General of the United States, 1967-1969. She was extraordinarily excited because Clark was such a clear advocate for justice and fairness. He was a friend of Catholic Workers, of Plowshares anti-nuclear activists, a defender of Palestinians, Cubans, Nicaraguans, and Iraqis, among many aggrieved nations and persecuted leaders. He was a premier and fearless consistent advocate for justice among the impoverished and downtrodden throughout the world.
He also boldly, and accurately described the greatest crime since World War II has been US Foreign Policy.
He and I worked together on US prison issues in the 1970s. Later he praised my analysis of how the US purchased the 1990 Nicaragua elections with nearly $50 million US dollars, as it threatened more terrorist war if Nicaraguans did not support the US-financed candidate Violeta Chamorro.
Ramsey Clark was not only a personal friend, but one of the greatest role models for my own life’s journey.
Michel Chossudovsky, Editor of Global Research: Ramsey Clark Presente’!
Ramsey Clark’s legacy will live.
I recall when I first met Ramsey in 1999, in the campaign against US-NATO, in solidarity with Yugoslavia.
We subsequently met on several occasions, last time in Tokyo in 2017, he has been a source of inspiration.
My thoughts are with Ramsey
Kadouri Al Kaysi
At the height of the first Gulf War, Kadouri Al Kaysi, filmmaker Jon Alpert, and Ramsey Clark, traveled throughout Iraq. The captured film that no other media were in position to get. They served as witnesses to the 1990-91 destruction of Iraq.
Kadouri Al Kaysi who traveled many times with Ramsey had these reflections about his time with Ramsey.
“Ramsey loved the people of Iraq. He felt sorry for all of the misery caused by the U.S. government. He was frustrated and angry about how his government had treated the people. I really learned a lot from traveling with Ramsey. He loved everybody. We were in a hotel in Basra. The hotel was bombed and all the windows were blown out. Someone from the Iraqi government came to check on us. Ramsey insisted that he be taken out to see the damage caused by the bombing. A Christian Church had been destroyed as well as a bridge. Ramsey never showed any fear. When people found out who he was they were so happy because they didn’t feel alone. One man said he wanted to kiss Ramsey’s head. On the 16 hour drive from Basra to Baghdad Ramsey popped out of the car to buy fresh hot bread from an outdoor bakery and everyone ate bread and yogurt all the way. I remember it all fondly. By his example, Ramsey taught me how to really love the people. It was a privilege to travel so far with him. I will never forget his kindness.”
Enrico Vigna, Italy: Un tributo a RAMSEY CLARK:
Dear comrades and friends this is my tribute, as old speaker for North Italy of Ramsey Clark Tribunal for NATO crimes in Yugoslavia and speaker for Italy of Belgrade Forum.
Dirk Adriaensens: A giant has died
In 1990, then head of Amnesty USA John Healey called Clark “one of the most respected advocates for human rights in the world today.”
The late civil rights leader Roy Wilkins once called Clark “the first powerful white man I had ever seen who took poor black people seriously.”
Ramsey Clark was a recipient of the 2008 United Nations Prize for Human Rights. https://www.un.org/press/en/2008/081210_HR_Prize.doc.htm
He will be sorely missed. MORE
Frank Dorrel: “Ramsey Was One of The Most Important Truth-Tellers in The History of This Country”.
Mary Anne Grady Flores, Ithaca Catholic Workers: Dear Friends, We have lost a powerful, yet humble and gentle giant! Our dear brother, Ramsey Clark, a friend of Catholic Workers, a great defender of Plowshares anti-nuclear activists, a defender of Palestine, Cuba and Nicaragua, (to name a few) and defender of all issues concerning justice throughout the world, passed away this afternoon at his home, surrounded by his family. Ramsey was 93 years old.
Jasmin, Pierre, Artists for Peace
Artists for Peace (www.artistespourlapaix.org) are mourning this great defender of justice and peace.
Mark D. Stansbery: Today we are finding out of Ramsey Clark’s death, he has been an advocate for many decades for justice, peace, and revolution in the Americas.
Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and those who organized with him advanced anti-imperialism without hesitation and provided great vision in how to resist the US military and economic hegemony that arose out of the Soviet ashes.
Long Live Ramsey Clark, Long Live the People! Black World Liberation for a new world that is possible!
Columbus, Ohio
Ayman El-Sawa : A Great man of Justice Just Passed Away .. Dear Mr. Clark.. it was an honor defending justice … with You.. You will always be a great Icon for Justice … [video on Facebook]
Mike Powers : Tribute to Ramsey Clark
Another of the greats has passed away. Ramsey Clark died at 93. He was a great champion of peace and equal rights and well known and respected by anti-imperialists in many countries. The NYT could not ignore his importance, but true to course it could not tolerate his, in its narrative, radical insistence that everyone charged with a crime had the right to a lawyer or that all countries, including the US, should be held accountable for their violations of international law! He visited Vietnam in 1972 to see firsthand the results of the US bombings as part of the Investigative Committee of the Stockholm Conference. He was a defender of anti-war activists including many of the hundreds of thousands of draft-resisters and deserters who found a refuge in Canada or Sweden and was a leading organizer of the political campaign for amnesty. After the first Gulf War he came to Stockholm again, having visited Sweden during his honeymoon with his wife Georgia in 1949, to lead the Commission of Inquiry hearing here on US war crimes, including the burning to death of hundreds of innocent civilians in air raid shelters. When he could not stop wars from starting, he continued to demand justice for the victims they claimed. He became a symbol for the need to organize and unite against war and racism. A lasting achievement was his founding of the International Action Center in 1992 to which contributions can be made to honor his memory, his work and tireless efforts for peace.
Thank you, Ramsey! R.I.P.
Stockholm, Sweden
Ramsey was a leading opponent all of the US wars in Iraq. He broke the sanctions in his efforts to stop the war and the occupation that was to come. He was later to become one of Saddam´s lawyers in the show trial which the New York Times still condemns him for! It was an honor to have known him. Iraq has lost a true friend.
Mike in Stockholm
Joseph Essertier, Coordinator, Japan for a World Beyond War: A wonderful man
Mr Clark inspired me to do antiwar work, beginning around the time of America’s attacks on the former Yugoslavia. Many of us in Japan were influenced by him and we read reports from the IAC frequently.
Fr. John Dear: a tribute to Ramsey
Marc Montgomery: Ramsey Clark and Peace on Earth
Few people have devoted themselves so fervently to put an end to the institution of war as has Ramsey Clark.
The beauty of his intelligence and humor and the warmth of his humanity have left a deep and abiding impression to make for a better world.
I rejoice for his lifetime especially as I recall his ties to Chicago and my own personal development.
And I am grateful for his message which reflects the integrity of his character: Regard one another with Dignity, Respect and Love.
Elba Matos
I absolutely love Ramsey!!!!!!! I first met him when he defended Jennifer Jean Casulo, who was being persecuted because of being in solidarity with I guess progressive forces in El Salvador in the 1990. She was being held in some Salvordaran prison by the military dictatorship on trumped up charges of having a cache of arms in her backyard, something like this, it has been so long I can’t remember everything. I think I went to his office one day in Manhattan this was almost 30 years ago so it is very hazy but I remember. It is a nice thing to remember it because it is a nice and good connection. Then I remember he spoke at a rally for Mumia and the words he spoke were just so eloquent and I treasure them, the words that he said about Mumia and Mumia’s suppoerters. After that I just knew that if I could I wanted to listen to Ramsey. And at his birthday celebration, the generosity of the IAC given away books written by Ramsey and others at the IAC were without precedent. Kudos to Ramsey and to each and everyone of you for all your hard war on pushing back on the war machine, no one works as hard as anti-war activist, no one gets persecuted as hard as anti-war activist.
Adekunle Theophilius
I received the news of the recent death of Ramsey Clark with tears. Although, I came to be associated with the International Action Center some few years ago, but I have both followed and admired Ramsay’s activities and trajectory for the past thirty years from the various debacles in Cuba, Iraq, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Gaza to Syria. He was like a role model who captivated me with his altruism, doggedness, selflessness , sincerity and simplicity and was a great source of inspiration and motivation to me and thousands of people throughout the world. A rare breed, first class humanist and a man of extraordinary candor, unusual benignancy, incredible empathy, deep convictions, extraordinary tenacity and infectious optimism, Ramsay Clark’s life– times, actions, writings and statements offer humanity a glimmer of hope in this very dark and uncertain epoch that there are decent people who are still honest and courageous enough to advance the frontiers of common good, social justice and non violent resistance and the cause of the weak, homeless, poor, indigenous, vulnerable and disadvantaged.
I wish to commiserate with the International Action Center and the global activists and groups who have mobilized over the years against all form of socio-economic and political tyranny and oppression over this very sad loss. May his soul rest in peace, Amen
John Pilger
Ramsey Clark was a remarkable man. I knew him over the years and was always moved by his warmth and personal grace and his abiding passion in resisting those who would plunge us into war after war. Ramsey was a true internationalist; he believed in the humanity and right of all people regardless of their nationality to live in peace. I would say he was a truly heroic figure, and I salute him.
Roland Van Deusen
Ramsey Clark spoke at the dinner when I received my master’s degree at Syracuse in1975. It was people like him that inspired me to later join Veterans For Peace. He would have been so pleased to hear of an actual chance now to end one of our endless wars, and would be asking, “OK, now, what about Iraq?”
Without Ramsey Clark, President Johnson would never have had the legal backup to enforce the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and 1965 Voting Rights Act. And he alone had the courage to be that administration’s only cabinet member to publicly oppose the war in Vietnam.
We so need his voice today, but it’s gone. The best we can ever do to honor his memory, is to devote our lives to the very causes that drove that good man. That’s why, as a COMBAT STRESS magazine contributing writer, I now speak to veterans’ groups to help equip them to join the fight against veteran suicide.
And also why, as a former small-city human rights commission chair, I now let social/racial justice groups of the SMITHSONIAN Institute’s take on my suggestion for the Black Lives Matter people’s next move. I hope Ramsey’s looking down and approving.
Clayton NY
Terry E. Lockett
Ramsey Clark was one of the world’s greatest heroes. Anyone that listens to one of his speeches from two decades ago about U.S. Foreign Policy, Human Rights Violations, Gun Control Laws, American Police, or War will be amazed at how prophetic he was, how wise, and how absolutely courageous. In many ways he served as America’s conscience- correcting the lies our military, government and media told us and the lies we tell ourselves. He was a messenger bearing the truth, and an advocate for justice and human rights, whether it was a popular thing to do or not. His immense compassion took him all the way around the world, and placed him forever in our hearts.
Barry Goodman
Ramsey was my lawyer & he would often refer to me as “pal” when I came there for his advice which always made me feel welcome & much calmer. We often had tea in his office & discussed matters but I loved to hear his stories. He told me about the invasion of Granada, the prime minister of Pakistan & her father, what happened to Ben’s brother, Chaney Schwerner & Goodman… He was the most interesting person in the world. MORE
Cornelia Praetorius: Ein Gerechter und ein Helfer
Sein Verlust ist ein großer Schmerz. Sein Erbe ist aber schon mächtig angetreten im Herzen der Staaten, die nicht ruhen werden, bis Gerechtigkeit den Elenden erkämpft ist – China, Kuba, Russland – die sich als Helfer und Retter in der Pandemie erweisen und nicht akzeptieren, dass uns das Böse überwindet.
His loss causes great pain. His legacy, however, has already taken powerful hold in the hearts of the states that will not rest until justice is won for the wretched – China, Cuba, Russia – who are proving to be helpers and saviors in the pandemic and refuse to accept that evil might defeat us.
Kay Weir, The Pacific Institute of Resource Management , Wellington, New Zealand
Condolences to you all at International Action Center -One of the great Americans speaking out for human rights peace and honour. One of the great Americans – he will be greatly missed! Some people should be allowed to live forever, or until these awful wars have stopped…
Fern Tess Tishman: With gratitude and utmost love for Ramsey Clark and his spirit , life and actions.
Another incident after Desert Storm war which began with coup created by these priests (9/11/91; coup named New World Order) was of being with Ramsey Clark and Sarah Flounders, in many actions teaching us of the superior public schools and hospitals , doctors in Iraq. MORE
Muriel Tillinghast: Condolences and Respect
I am sorry to learn about the death of Ramsey Clark, a trailblazer and an exceptional human being — one in the forefront of almost every key issue facing the use of the U.S. military and the conditions of human rights abuses from the 1960s forward. His presence and voice will be sorely missed.
Barbara Nimri Aziz
I was privileged to know Ramsey Clark during my own efforts, strongly supported by IAC, against the U.S. sanctions war on Iraq. More than anyone Ramsey was able to articulate the violence and immorality of the sanctions war. Ramsey’s moral stand and courageous voice inspired me to continue my work against injustice and U.S. immoral acts against the world’s people. He is unmatched in his courageous actions and words. Ramsey Clark ¡presente!
Rania Masri
Ramsey Clark was an example for us all: clear, steadfast, courageous, and always principled, regardless of the popularity of the position. I had the privilege to organize with Ramsey Clark and the IAC on anti-sanctions work on Iraq, and learned a great deal from him. He will live on – guiding us all in his devotion to justice.
Michael Z. Ladson
I am proud to have briefly met Ramsey Clark, and I stand in solidarity with all the International Action Center militants. From defying the US travel ban against Cuba to the fight against the NATO backed coup against Ukraine’s government, I stand in solidarity against imperialism! Long live the legacy of Ramsey Clark!
Heide Trampus, Toronto, Canada: Remembering Ramsey Clark

Sein Verlust ist ein großer Schmerz. Sein Erbe ist aber schon mächtig angetreten im Herzen der Staaten, die nicht ruhen werden, bis Gerechtigkeit den Elenden erkämpft ist – China, Kuba, Russland – die sich als Helfer und Retter in der Pandemie erweisen und nicht akzeptieren, dass uns das Böse überwindet.
His loss is a great pain. His legacy, however, has already begun powerfully in the hearts of the states that will not rest until justice is won for the wretched – China, Cuba, Russia – who prove to be helpers and saviors in the pandemic and do not accept that evil overcomes us.
Robert Weber
With profound admiration!
Beda Acharya, a personal care taker to Ramsey
Around November 2017, Ramsey fell down and broke his hip. After six weeks of rehabilitation, Ramsey came home. According to Ramsey’s physician he needed twenty-four care. I was hired privately to look after him. I always feel that he was part of our family. He even visited my house during one of our festivals. My family adore him. I always looked forward to going to work after the long weekends because he talked about very wise subjects. I became a much better person because of him. MORE
►Listen to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s speech at 20th Anniversary of IAC and Ramsey Clark 85th birthday, January 2013-Read transcript
Taylor Report Commentary: Homage to Ramsey Clark, April 12th, 2021
More tributes to Come
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