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NYC: MLK Day Begins #DaysOfRage Against Trump, Racism & Capitalism



CONTACT: Terrea Mitchell (646) 246-1998

Press Release

NYC activists call for #DaysOfRage against capitalism, racism, Trump and white supremacy

As the great leader, thinker, and revolutionary Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday draws near, we recognize that the United States still operates on white supremacist, racist, colonialist, and exploitative institutions. For this reason, we are calling for a week of action under the hashtag #DaysOfRage.

The Days of Rage will be a series of events and actions designed to call out these inequities and evils in all their forms—including the Trump Administration itself—and demand that they be abolished. The initial action will begin on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, with a labor rally at Columbus Circle in support of striking Spectrum workers – currently the largest strike in the United States. This rally will also be in solidarity with striking incarcerated workers in Florida, who labor under conditions correctly labeled “Modern-day Slavery”.

Day of Rage disruptions will run throughout the week, culminating on Saturday, January 20th at Grand Central station to mark the anniversary of Trump’s inauguration, where over 200 protestors were arrested in an effort to chill our resistance.

Just this week, Trump denigrated the entire African continent, Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Yemen and Syria, referring to them as “shitholes” in a naked display of racism and white supremacist hatred. These sentiments are nothing new to a man who rose to power on the backs of the oppressed. Trump gives power to bigots to voice what they previously kept private, actively works to wrest away the rights and autonomy of marginal people, and to enact dangerous, racist, white supremacist policies on a horrifyingly broad scale. As People’s Power Assembly NYC organizer/activist Christian Cobb has said, “We must make racists afraid again.”

We are calling for the people to join us—as radicals, as revolutionaries, as fellow workers and fellow humans. We are in solidarity and struggle with the movement for Black lives, our family in Puerto Rico, our comrades and allies in Palestine, with the Queer and Women’s liberation struggle, the migrant struggle, dignity and life for the workers, and for accessibility and real livable wages for us all, and the right for all oppressed people to resist.

Visit the website and consult the hashtag #DaysOfRage for more information.

Tuesday, January 16th –

  • After J20: Fighting Back Against Political Repression

7-9pm at the Solidarity Center (147 w 24th St, 2nd Floor)

Organized by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Wednesday, January 17th

  • Pack the Court for Mumia Abu-Jamal

8-11am Criminal Justice Center 1301 Filbert St, Philadelphia

Transportation from NYC leaves Solidarity Center at 5:30am. contact for tickets ($20)

Organized by Mobilization4Mumia

Thursday, January 18th

  • Rally Against Rapist Cops & All Cops

9am – 12 noon 320 Jay St., Brooklyn

Organized by Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council Action in solidarity with Anna Chambers, who was raped by police

  • Anti-Imperialist Outer-Borough Action

2 pm Meet at Fulton Street Subway Station, Manhattan

Organized by G-REBLS

  • #DaysOfRage:  Resist US-Led War & Imperialism!

5:30pm, Union Square

Organized by the International League of Peoples’ Struggle

  • Women Fight Back against Capitalism and Imperialism

7pm at the Solidarity Center (147 w 24th St, 2nd Floor)

Organized by Workers World Party

Friday, January 19th

  • Trump is a Racist: 1804 Movement March for All Immigrants 8am Assemble at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn 9am Start the March down Flatbush Avenue 12:30pm Rally Trump Building, 40 Wall Street Organized by the 1804 Movement for All Immigrants, a new Haitian-led anti-imperialist coalition

  • Transit Accessibility for All!

5-7pm Union Square East & 14th Street

Organized by The People’s MTA

Saturday, January 20th

  • Women’s March Interventions

Various groups with #DaysOfRage, including WWP, will have a presence at the march

  • Rally against Trump and Capitalism!

4-7pm Grand Central

Organized by #DaysOfRage