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International Workers’ Day: Find an action!

April 28, 2020

May Day — International Workers’ Day — will be celebrated on May 1 across the U.S. despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic.

Activists in many cities are protesting from their cars about a range of key working-class issues, including health, safety and economic well-being in the context of COVID-19. Others are holding “virtual” protests.

Dozens of endorsers have signed on to a general strike call initiated by the Cooperation Jackson coalition: Peoples’ Strike on May Day.

Solidarity with prisoners and migrants, among the most oppressed and exploited sectors of the working class, is an emphatic theme. Organizers are also paying tribute to im/migrant communities who revived May Day in 2006 with a general strike of millions, raising awareness coast-to-coast in the U.S. about this historic day of workers’ resistance.

Revolutionaries are keeping May Day alive, a tradition that started in 1886 with the militant fight for the 8-hour day — then as now led by im/migrant workers.

A number of actions are listed here:

To watch the May Day Workers’ Assembly hosted by Workers World Party at

8 p.m. EDT, register here: