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Sat., May 16 – Special Extended Webinar: What Road to Socialism?

Workers World Party Invites you to a Special Extended Webinar:

Saturday, May 16

1-5:30pm ET/10am-2:30pm PT*
*NEW Start Time

Register to participate via
Zoom Video conference

As the worldwide capitalist crisis continues to deepen, the question is now more pressing than ever:

What Road to Socialism?

Join Workers World Party for a special, extended webinar covering:

COVID-19 and the current capitalist crisis

Announcing a new book from WWP: What Road to Socialism?

•Who is the working class?

•The crucial role of the working class in overthrowing capitalism

•Why international solidarity against imperialism?: Defending socialist countries, the right of oppressed nations to self-determination & connecting the war at home to the war abroad•What is fascism, & how do we fight it?

•The Science of Change: Dialectical Materialism•Workers’ Resistance & Organization:
Why We Need Workers’ Assemblies
Rent Strikes
Organizing retail and grocery workers
Health Care Workers
Mutual Aid
Bus Drivers
The Role of a Leninist Party & Leninist Newspaper

While COVID-19 prevents us from gathering in large numbers, WWP remains committed to advocating for revolutionary socialism, and organizing working and oppressed people to overthrow capitalism. As the capitalist crisis continues to deepen, your financial support is more important than ever. Donate with through Venmo (@WorkersWorld) or click below to donate online!