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Register NOW! for Sun. June 7 Int’l Women’s Alliance Webinar, 4-6 p.m. eastern time


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Building our militant global women’s movement to resist imperialism in the time of COVID-19

As IWA prepares to celebrate its 10-year anniversary this coming August, a series of activities will be held to engage and forge closer links and cooperation among women’s organizations and women activists in North America.  The current global COVID-19 pandemic has further perpetuated the suffering of working and oppressed people and migrants in many parts of the world and in the Global South, including advanced capitalist countries such as the U.S. and Canada.


Governments have provided so-called “stimulus packages” of billions of dollars in bailouts and tax breaks for big business while providing next to nothing for millions suffering from heightened economic depression during this crisis.

Women have borne the brunt of being “essential” workers, risking their lives as health care, transport and grocery workers.  The needs of women and their families are so great during the pandemic with the loss of jobs and income, healthcare, housing, food, a rise in domestic violence and much more.

To date, the pandemic has increased the number of unemployed and underemployed in the hundreds of millions worldwide, with the U.S. alone having more than 50 million people filing for unemployment since the pandemic crisis began.

The first webinar will focus specifically on the impact of COVID-19 on anti-people policies for affected communities in North America. Later webinars will focus on other aspects of neoliberal policies globally as we lead up to IWA’s 10th anniversary celebration in August.


  • Hold open and honest discussion to share the impacts of capitalism and imperialism and COVID-19 with women’s groups and organizations in North America.

  • Discuss the different issues directly affecting women under the current COVID-19 crisis.

  • Understand the relationship of capitalism and imperialism and its impacts on the people, especially women and other gender-oppressed people.

  • Share ideas and action steps on how we can cooperate from our respective organizations and build the militant global women’s movement.

Language translation is available. Please register here.


The International Women’s Alliance (IWA) is a global alliance of grassroots-based women’s organizations, institutions, alliances, networks and individuals committed to advancing the women’s movement in the 21st century and in moving forward the liberation of women. For more information, visit IWA’s website at