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Vampire Nation

By Mumia Abu-Jamal
November 9, 2023

Mumia Abu-Jamal

From the very beginning

To this very day

This country has gone – its own special way

from placing Indians in chains and graves

to bringing Africans -– across the waves.


How can we call this freedom’s land

When it was built by slavery’s hand?

From 1492 many millions were slew

From the day Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

This is – this is – a Vampire Nation!

Been that way since its creation!

This is – this is – a Vampire Nation!

I sing it without exaggeration!


But why call it Vampire Nation?

It ain’t Dracula’s generation.

‘Cause America was old before that story got told.

They came in a flood, to feed on each other’s blood.

They bled Cherokee, Ashanti, Arapaho & Mandingo,

Worked ’em ’till they were no mo’,

Runnin’ ’em from shore to shore!

Why call it Vampire Nation?

It ain’t Dracula’s generation.

This is – this is – a Vampire Nation!

Been that way since its creation!

This is – this is – a Vampire Nation!

Call it out – no hesitation!


@ Copyright Mumia Abu-Jamal