NYC – Sat. July 29: Celebration of the July 26 Moncada attack NEW YORK – NEW JERSEY ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE MONCADA ATTACK The Event that Launched the Cuban Revolution DINNER [...]
Disability Pride rocks NYC for health care, access July 24, 2017 By Mary P. Kaessinger and Edward Yudelovich More than 7,500 people with disabilities, along with their [...]
O.J. Simpson and the injustice system By Monica Moorehead July 29, 2017 A protest of the attempt by the LAPD to plant evidence during 1994-95 trial. Based on a [...]
Mosul: a city destroyed By Chris Fry July 24, 2017 Nine hundred years ago an Arab traveler, as he walked through what is today Iraq, observed: [...]
Big real estate threatens to silence ‘people’s radio station’ By Dolores Cox July 20, 2017 A press conference was held on the steps of New York City Hall on July 13 to bring attention to [...]
Defend Bolivarian Venezuela! July 22, 2017 The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro is being blamed for the shortages of food and other [...]
Fracking Colorado, part 3: Impact on environment and people By Viviana Weinstein July 20, 2017 Part 1: Impact on environment and people Part 2: Impact on environment and people Denver [...]
NYC: July 22: Urgent Action to Stop U.S. Intervention in Venezuela Sat. July 22 Urgent Action to Stop U.S. Intervention in VenezuelaProtest the New York Times collaboration with the U.S. [...]
Unions, communities in U.S. embrace Cuban labor leader By Minnie Bruce Pratt July 18, 2017 Lemagne Sánchez Victor Manuel Lemagne Sánchez, secretary general of Cuba’s hotel and [...]
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