Why the establishment dumped Trump August 14, 2016 As if horrified by the monster they created with unrestrained publicity, some of the corporate media have [...]
Current challenges in South African election By Abayomi Azikiwe August 7, 2016 July 14 – A nationwide election for local offices in 278 municipalities across South [...]
People with disabilities fight back By Brian Shea and Gerry Scoppettuolo August 12, 2016 Protest organizers Denise Jackson, left, Brian Shea, right. First, [...]
New legal attack on Rasmea Odeh August 12, 2016 Rasmea Odeh The following email from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression was released Aug. 5. Attorneys [...]
Hawai’i August 1969: Pentagon at the Crossroads as soldiers resist war Airman Buffy Parry, the first sanctuary member, here in Waikiki Beach Park. By John Catalinotto August 9, 2016 One thousand [...]
Why is U.S. bombing Libya – again? By Sara Flounders August 11, 2016 The U.S. military resumed bombing of the North African country of Libya on Aug. 1. [...]
Facing explosion of Zika in Puerto Rico, protest stops toxic spraying before it starts By Lyn Neeley August 11, 2016 There is widespread opposition in Puerto Rico to the imposition of aerial spraying of Naled by [...]
China, global warming and technological innovation By Deirdre Griswold August 11, 2016 China’s Elevated Transit Bus Any meaningful efforts to limit carbon dioxide emissions, [...]
Sanders, Clinton and revolution By Desmera Gatewood August 11, 2016 Desmera Gatewood of Durham, N.C. There is a specter haunting America. The defeat of [...]
Anti-cop-brutality activists win for women prisoners at Santa Rita Jail, Oakland, Calif. By Minnie Bruce Pratt August 8, 2016 Justice for Alan Blueford protest in Oakland where the four women were arrested, [...]
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