Capitalist system cause of wealth inequality By Betsey Piette January 27, 2023 In a study titled “Survival of the Richest,” published Jan. 16 to coincide with the [...]
The demise of Davos By Sara Flounders January 26, 2023 The World Economic Forum held its 53rd Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 16-20. [...]
Mass strike in France to defend pensions – Time to fight for Social Security here By G. Dunkel January 27, 2023 Over 2 million workers in France participated in a general strike/mass mobilization on Jan. [...]
Over 90 protests say NO to U.S./NATO wars By Martha Grevatt January 25, 2023 Over 90 coordinated antiwar actions took place Jan. 13-22, honoring Rev. Martin Luther [...]
Brazil’s Lula moves against Bolsonaro collaborators By John Catalinotto January 25, 2023 Brazilian ex-President Jair Bolsonaro’s forces attempted a coup Jan. 8 in Brasilia [...]
Britain sends Kosovo puppet troops to Malvinas NATO base By Otis Grotewohl January 23, 2023 Jan. 21 — While NATO prolongs the proxy war against Russia that it provoked 11 months [...]
In Cuba, housing is a right! By Danny O’Brien January 23, 2023 Portland, Oregon I work at a congregate shelter for people experiencing homelessness [...]
The killing of Forest Defender Tortuguita in Atlanta By Dianne Mathiowetz January 24, 2023 Atlanta, Georgia Public outrage, resistance and sadness at the senseless killing of a [...]
Jan 28: International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism The International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, and Economic Coercive Measures Saturday, [...]
France: Millions strike to defend pensions By G. Dunkel January 24, 2023 With a tremendous jolt to the government’s attempt to raise the legal retirement age from 62 [...]
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