Prisoners rebel during pandemic By Mirinda Crissman April 14, 2020 Prioritizing prisons, police and punitive responses to social issues is a public health [...]
Black essential workers refuse to be invisible with a higher risk of infection By Monica Moorehead April 14, 2020 April 12 — Just last week, U.S. bourgeois papers — the New York Times, Washington [...]
Which road to socialism: Bernie Sanders and voting in a pandemic By Teresa Gutierrez April 13, 2020 This article is for the thousands of young people who supported Bernie Sanders and for [...]
Caravan targets City Hall and jail in Philly protest By Joe Piette April 13, 2020 A Philadelphia car caravan moves to free prisoners during the pandemic, April 9. Traffic around [...]
Dire situation for Palestinian prisoners By Susan Abulhawa April 13, 2020 The following remarks were given by Palestinian author and activist Susan Abulhawa during a [...]
Dozens of strikes all say, ‘No safety, no work!’ By Martha Grevatt April 13, 2020 April 12 — About 40 workers at a New York City Chipotle store staged a walkout on March 6 [...]
Webinar Thur. Apr 16: Racist, For-Profit Health Care Kills- We Need Socialism-Updated Speakers List! Register to participate via Zoom Video conference Updated Speakers List! Recorded remarks from Mumia Abu-Jamal William [...]
Gilead Sciences eyes COVID-19 cash cow By Betsey Piette April 10, 2020 As jobs are lost during the COVID-19 crisis, an overwhelming majority of workers and [...]
‘Things fall apart’ By Mumia Abu-Jamal March 27, 2020 Transcribed from a March 27, 2020, audio recording on The great African [...]
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