Airport workers win! By G. Dunkel October 4, 2018 New York — “We did this together, we fought for so long and we won!” Gertrudes [...]
CUBA, VENEZUELA: Revolutionary leaders embraced at int’l rally By Lallan Schoenstein October 3, 2018 Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez shares a drum with cultural activist [...]
NYC: Sun. Oct 7: NO to Endless US Wars Afghanistan to Yemen, END the Wars: U.S. Troops OUT – Syria to Korea Sunday OCT 7 @ 3pm Herald Square, 34th St [...]
Kavanaugh nomination exposes ruling-class crisis By Sue Davis October 2, 2018 Protesters stormed Capitol Hill. Oct. 1 — The Sept. 27 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing [...]
Protest naming street after MOVE-bombing Mayor Goode By Joseph Piette September 30, 2018 Maisha Sullivan-Ongoza confronting a city official. Philadelphia — On May 13, 1985, [...]
Botham Jean killing highlights history of racist violence By M. Matsemela-Ali Odom September 28, 2018 Botham Jean Botham Shem Jean, a migrant in Texas from the Caribbean [...]
Liar Kavanaugh has got to go! By Sue Davis September 25, 2018 Some 120 people were arrested at Hart Senate building protesting Brett Kavanaugh. Sept. [...]
NYC, Sept. 29: Party Celebrating RESPECT for ARETHA FRANKLYN Join us at the Solidarity Center for a social as we show R E S P E C T for — [...]
Gaza’s Great Return March has lasted half a year By Joe Catron September 24, 2018 March earlier this year in NYC supports Palestine and BDS. The Great March of Return by [...]
Int’l Peoples’ Tribunal finds Philippines government guilty By Monica Moorehead September 24, 2018 Brussels, Belgium — “Guilty, guilty, guilty!” These were the unanimous [...]
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