Israel seizes Palestinian women leaders By Joe Catron July 9, 2017 Khitam Saafin Khalida Jarrar Israeli occupation forces seized at least 11 Palestinians in a [...]
‘Partial’ travel ban still demonizes Muslims By Kathy Durkin July 8, 2017 Protests and denunciations of the Trump administration’s modified travel ban have broken out [...]
Trump’s misogyny, a pillar of capitalism By Sue Davis July 8, 2017 President Donald J. Trump did it again. He lambasted a female news reporter with a crude, bullying [...]
Slavery and July 4th By Stephen Millies July 7, 2017 The Declaration of Independence is Philadelphia’s proudest claim to fame. It was written [...]
‘Out of the mouths of babes’ By Political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal July 7, 2017 This is from a column written by Mumia Abu-Jamal on June 21. It arrived [...]
NYC DISABILITY PRIDE PARADE, This Sunday, July 9 SUPPORT PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES “From each according to our abilities, to each according to our needs” This [...]
Fracking Colorado, part 2: Impact on environment and people By Viviana Weinstein June 29, 2017 Fracking Colorado, part 1: Impact on environment and people Fracking Colorado, Part 3: [...]
Protests continue over attempts to repeal ACA By John Catalinotto July 6, 2017 Supporters of single -payer health care march in Kingston, N.Y., on June 30. Grass-roots [...]
Battle-tested people with disabilities fight for rights By Edward Yudelovich July 5, 2017 Denver ADAPT activists after release from jail. July is widely celebrated as Disability [...]
Where is this city — do you know? By Deirdre Griswold July 5, 2017 This beautiful city is Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [...]
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