Mount Rushmore defense of genocide July 6, 2020 Indigenous protesters blocked roadway to Trump rally at Mount Rushmore, July 3. Just when we thought things [...]
Bolivian prisoners protest: ‘We want to live!’ By Ted Kelly May 21, 2020 Incarcerated workers at the largest prison in Bolivia staged a mass uprising on May 11, demanding [...]
The struggle and personal growth By Sue Harris May 14, 2020 What motivates some people to dominate and/or destroy, based on their illusory sense of [...]
Changing the narrative in Lansing, Mich. May 11, 2020 On May 7, a breath of fresh air entered Lansing, Mich., the first since ultrarightist gangs — with the [...]
COVID-19 = genocide for Detroit By Martha Grevatt May 6, 2020 Michigan State Representatives Jewell Jones and Isaac Robinson, co-sponsors of a bill for a [...]
Updated: Fri. May 1: Webinar – May Day Workers Power – Building Workers Assemblies. REGISTER Now! May Day Car Caravan: Starting Locations in Bk, Bx & Queens! Friday, May 1 International Workers Day @ 8pm EDT/5pm PDT Register to participate via Zoom Video conference Updated Speakers [...]
Health care workers resist bigots and bosses By Minnie Bruce Pratt April 27, 2020 Antiscientific and right-wing attacks have intensified against efforts to contain the [...]
NYC: May Day Workers Solidarity: Caravan for our Lives! Planning Meeting Sun., 4/26 May Day Planning Meeting Sunday, April 26 2pm Register Here to Participate via Zoom or Over the Phone COVID-19 will prevent [...]
Big money backs ultra-rightist protests to ‘open the economy’ By Makasi Motema April 21, 2020 A nurse bravely defies right-wing protester in Denver, April 19. Amidst the unending stream [...]
UPDATED: Thur. Apr 23 The Fascist Threat: A Working Class Response! REGISTER on Zoom Thursday, April 23 @ 8pm EDT/5pm PDT Register to participate via Zoom Video conference Speakers will include: Chris Smalls [...]
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