Bashing China, U.S. commits crimes against humanity By Monica Moorehead May 5, 2021 It was announced April 7 that the Biden administration is being pressured by right-wing [...]
Stopping Amazon censorship with mass pressure. Good news. By Sara Flounders March 8, 2021 Just released! Download free at Stopping Amazon censorship is news. Good [...]
Review: ‘Capitalism on a Ventilator’/ The impact of COVID-19 in China & the U.S. By Ted Kelly October 13, 2020 “Capitalism on a Ventilator: The Impact of COVID-19 in China & the U.S” chronicles [...]
Imperialist countries create global vaccine apartheid, prolonging pandemic By Joshua Hanks April 26, 2021 Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the scale of inequality under capitalism [...]
Imperialism in the name of ‘water preservation’ April 22, 2021 By Jason Cohen (City College of New York student) Vice President Kamala Harris, while appearing with [...]
UNAC says: ‘No to U.S. war threats against China!’ April 2, 2021 This slightly edited statement was issued by the United National Antiwar Coalition March 24. The Biden [...]
For over a century and a half: Chinese workers abused and superexploited in U.S. By Jim McMahan March 25, 2021 Chinese railroad workers in 1869. The six Asian spa workers murdered in Atlanta March 16 were [...]
The blame game March 22, 2021 Of the two big-business political parties in the United States, the Democrats for more than half a century [...]
The Epoch Times, Trump’s Favorite Cult Propaganda Machine Supporting the White House, and How U.S. Anti-COVID Efforts Have Been Derailed by Lee Siu Hin March 20, 2021 The Epoch Times, the propaganda arm of the U.S.-backed Chinese cult Falun Gong, has built an [...]
Genocide in Xinjiang? Friday March 19 Webinar An unprecedented event in Canada. Register Now A burning question in the Canadian Parliament… [...]
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