A century of lies about Russia By Stephen Millies December 20, 2016 “Documents prove Lenine and Trotzky hired by Germans” was the New York Times’ [...]
NYC, Sat., Dec. 10: Children of Donbass Write to the World: Press Conference & Rally Children of Donbass Write to the World: Press Conference & Rally Join us on International Human Rights Day: Saturday, [...]
Angela Merkel, Germany’s upcoming elections and the LINKE By Victor Grossman November 26, 2016 Berlin Bulletin No. 122, Nov. 24 — While [U.S.] Americans try to swallow the prospect [...]
Refugees part of global crisis By G. Dunkel November 11, 2016 Although many jobs have dried up and developed capitalist countries throughout the world no [...]
World Federation of Trade Unions ‘looking ahead’ October 25, 2016 General Secretary of the WFTU, George Mavrikos, speaking at the 17th World Trade Union Congress, Durban, [...]
Workers in France demand repeal of new labor law By G. Dunkel September 24, 2016 In French big cities — Paris, Lyons, Tours and Nantes — and in 110 communities in all, [...]
Russians go to polls facing looming U.S.-NATO threats By Greg Butterfield September 19, 2016 On Sept. 18, citizens of the Russian Federation will elect 450 members of the [...]
New U.S. nuclear bomb is authorized September 15, 2016 A flight test body for a B61-12 nuclear weapon. Though the following article by Italian anti-militarist [...]
Nice and the question of ‘terrorism’ By G. Dunkel July 21, 2016 More than 100,000 people were at a Bastille Day fireworks display in Nice on the French Riviera [...]
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