After teachers protest, New York City closes schools By G. Dunkel March 27, 2020 New York On March 22, Education Week Magazine announced that 118,000 schools with 53.7 million [...]
Injustice prevails despite mass prisoner release in Cleveland By Martha Grevatt March 26, 2020 Demonstration outside Cuyahoga County Jail, Oct. 8, 2019.Credit: Photo: Martha Grevatt [...]
Syria and Iran struggle against sanctions during pandemic By Karin Leukefeld March 26, 2020 This article appeared in the March 21 issue of Junge Welt, a German daily newspaper. [...]
Health care for gender-oppressed people complicated by COVID-19 By Sue Davis March 26, 2020 How are women and other gender-oppressed people, especially those from 15 to 44 who are of [...]
China and Cuba lead in curbing pandemic By Lyn Neeley March 26, 2020 Chinese doctors answer desperate call from Italy for medical help. China and Cuba have made [...]
Texas health care workers report from inside the pandemic March 26, 2020 The following are lightly edited testimonies about the health care system response to the coronavirus [...]
Palestine battles the pandemic By Susan Abulhawa March 26, 2020 A Palestinian health worker checks a child’s temperature during precautions against [...]
As coronavirus spreads disability activists fight for their rights By Edward Yudelovich March 26, 2020 New York “The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has reminded us that from one moment to [...]
Workers resist unsafe conditions By Martha Grevatt March 25, 2020 ll over the country, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, workers are fighting for and [...]
Im/migrants and COVID-19: Free them all now! By Teresa Gutierrez March 25, 2020 Overcrowded tent encampment in Matamoros, Mexico, on the banks of the Rio Grande, near [...]
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