Abortion access now! By Sue Davis October 18, 2017 The state of Texas is holding hostage a 17-year-old unaccompanied immigrant minor who wants an [...]
Massive immigrant raids conducted in sanctuary cities By Kathy Durkin October 2, 2017 The bigot-in-chief in the White House has intensified his aggressive, racist war on [...]
Post-Irma Florida: Poor suffer most for lack of gov’t preparation By John Catalinotto September 20, 2017 The aftermath of Hurricane Irma, despite the storm hitting Florida with less force [...]
NYC: Wed., Sept 20 Mtg to plan Oct 7 Demo Against War & Racism Wed. Sept 20 Planning Meeting for OCT 7 Demonstration Against war & racism – at home & abroad At Project [...]
NYC: Sept. 15 & 16: Celebrate Life of Che fundraiser; Defend Zimbabwe & 30th anniversary of La Pena del Bronx S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R Celebrate the life of Che: Spoken Word fundraiser for Cuba trip Friday, Sept. 15 [...]
DACA for Dreamers, full rights for all immigrants By Kathy Durkin September 12, 2017 Protests led by immigrant rights organizations have taken place from coast-to-coast [...]
DACA: The latest from the Un-Obama By Political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal September 11, 2017 If there is one unifying principle emerging from the disaster known [...]
Defend the dreamers! September 5, 2017 The Bigot in Chief is supposed to announce, on Sept. 5, his decision on whether to eliminate the ruling on [...]
Trump pardons Arpaio, convicted racist Arizona sheriff By Paul Teitelbaum August 28, 2017 A July 17, 2015, protest against Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in Phoenix, Ariz., one moment in [...]
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