War against the fleas By Mumia Abu-Jamal November 17, 2023 Mumia Abu-Jamal Perhaps Israel’s most respected statesman, former diplomat Abba Eban, [...]
From Turtle Island to Palestine, the struggle continues on 2023 NDOM By K. James November 14, 2023 What are the foundational myths of the U.S.? Who created them, and who do they erase and harm? [...]
Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves By Betsey Piette November 14, 2023 In 1999, British Gas (BG) discovered the existence of natural gas in the Gaza Marine [...]
From Turtle Island to Palestine, the struggle continues on 2023 NDOM By K. James November 14, 2023 What are the foundational myths of the U.S.? Who created them, and who do they erase and harm? [...]
Vampire Nation By Mumia Abu-Jamal November 9, 2023 Mumia Abu-Jamal From the very beginning To this very day This country has gone – its [...]
The Red Nation responds to racist attack on Indigenous people October 20, 2023 The following slightly edited press release was released by The Red Nation on Sept. 30, 2023, and is posted [...]
The fight for Palestinian liberation is a fight for the whole working class By Arjae Red October 20, 2023 On Oct. 7, the Palestinian people and their combat organizations launched a powerful attack [...]
The real terrorists, then and now October 17, 2023 Ever since settler colonists arrived on this continent from Europe, these colonizers have relied on racist [...]
Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti By Steve Gillis October 5, 2023 Boston Fanmi Lavalas of Boston responded to the deepening humanitarian and political crises [...]
Writing Palestine: An interview with Susan Abulhawa By Susie Day September 13, 2023 Susan Abulhawa Note: This is a slight edit of an interview that first appeared in [...]
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