French anti-worker pension plan becomes law without a vote By G. Dunkel March 12, 2020 Hundreds of thousands of people have been in the streets protesting for months. Transportation [...]
What the virus demands — workers need protection By Deirdre Griswold March 12, 2020 As more and more people face potential infection by the COVID-19 virus, workers in the [...]
N.C. workers push Medicare for All, union rights By Dante Strobino March 9, 2020 Durham, N.C. On the day before the March 3 “Super Tuesday” 2020 primary elections, [...]
Oakland teachers endorse days of action against U.S. sanctions By Judy Greenspan March 6, 2020 The Oakland Education Association, part of the California Teachers Association/National [...]
PRIMESábado 29 de febrero/Saturday Feb 29: REUNIÓN ORGANIZADORA DEL PRIMERO DE MAYO/May Day Planning Meeting Sábado 29 de febrero/Saturday Feb 29: REUNIÓN ORGANIZADORA DEL PRIMERO DE MAYO May Day Planning Meeting Sábado/Saturday @ [...]
California grad students wildcat for COLA By Martha Grevatt February 17, 2020 In 1948 the United Automobile Workers became the first union in the U.S. to win [...]
San Francisco Labor Council resolution: Abolish U.S.-imposed economic sanctions February 14, 2020 The following resolution was passed unanimously on Feb. 10, 2020. Whereas sanctions and economic blockades [...]
New employment analysis shows that a good job is hard to find these days By G. Dunk February 11, 2020 The constitutionally mandated State of the Union address opened Feb. 4 with the first of many [...]
Portland longshore workers resist union busting February 12, 2020 By Patrick Cate and Lyn Neeley The West Coast Longshore strike in 1934 shut down docks from California to [...]
Seattle hospital workers strike: 7800 say “Patients before profits!” By Jim McMahan February 5, 2020 For three days, from Jan. 28 to 30, 7,800 Seattle-area hospital workers struck the giant [...]
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