Drop charges against New York City transit worker! By Tony Murphy August 14, 2017 When the presiding judge in a Manhattan courtroom on Aug. 10 called the name of Darryl [...]
Labor unions condemn fascist attack By Kris Balderas-Hamel August 14, 2017 Labor unions, especially those representing education, health care and public service [...]
NYC: Pack-the-court -Thurs., Aug. 10 & Sign Petition for Transit Worker Facing Trumped-Up Charges S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R PACK THE COURT! Support Transit Worker Arrested on False Charges! This Thursday, Aug. [...]
Black women’s work and reparations August 8, 2017 The staff of We Dream in Black, a program of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, July 25. July 31, 2017, [...]
Unions, communities in U.S. embrace Cuban labor leader By Minnie Bruce Pratt July 18, 2017 Lemagne Sánchez Victor Manuel Lemagne Sánchez, secretary general of Cuba’s hotel and [...]
Serbian autoworkers strike Fiat Chrysler By Martha Grevatt July 15, 2017 Over 2,000 autoworkers have been on strike against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in Kragujevac, [...]
Striking workers in Haiti win solidarity in U.S. By G. Dunkel July 15, 2017 Thousands of workers surged through Port-au-Prince’s streets to demand a minimum wage hike to [...]
Haitian workers strike for $12.50 a day By G. Dunkel July 2, 2017 Haitian textile workers on strike for higher wages, better working conditions, access to social [...]
NYC – June 29: FORUM & FILM SHOWING: “PRIDE” S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R Thurs. June 29 @ 7 pm Forum & Film Showing: PRIDEThe miners struggle in the UK [...]
‘Battle of the Overpass’ – 80 year anniversary By Martha Grevatt June 11, 2017 May 26 marked the 80th anniversary of a bloody example of capitalist violence against [...]
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